Luke | Party

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This takes place before the "camping trip".

Your P.O.V

It's Friday night and I'm just laying in bed waiting for my boyfriend, Luke to get out of football practice. All of a sudden, I get a phone call from him.

"Hey baby what's up?" I said.

"Hey, I just got out of practice and Harry is having a party at his house tonight. Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure. Are you gonna pick me up at my house or are we just gonna meet there?"

"I'll pick you up in 10 minutes."

"Baby, you know I need more time than that to get ready." He then chuckled at what I said.

"Well then if it's okay, can I just hangout at your house while you get ready and then we can go to the party when you're done?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

"Okay then, I'll see you in a bit babe. Love you"

"Love you too."

I then hung up and then texted my parents saying Luke was coming over and that we were going to Harry's party. My parent's weren't very strict because they worked a lot. Like tonight, I'm home alone because they're at work. I'm also an only child so they're cool with me being with Luke and friends all the time because they know I'm home alone a lot.

About 10 minutes after the phone call, Luke arrived. We ended up taking a steamy shower together, and you know what that led to😉. After, we proceeded to get ready for the party.

Around 10pm, we left for the party. When we got there, there were already so many people. Luke and I split up, he went to go hangout with the rest of the Guard. Yeah I still don't get why they call themselves that, but it's cute. And I went to Kelly and Gwen.

"Hey bitches!" I yelled smiling at them.

"Heyyy babygirllll!" Gwen slurred.

"Hey Y/N!" Kelly exclaimed.

"Are you guys already drunk?" I laughed.

"Duh girl! You need to get drunk too!" Gwen said.

"Oh you know I will! Let's fuck it up tonight girls!" We then all laughed and took shots. I personally prefer hard liquor more than beer. I'm just not a beer type of person.

Luke's P.O.V

For the past hour Grizz, Clark, Jason, and I have just been sitting on lawn chairs in Harry's backyard around the fire pit. We usually don't do this but tonight we all just decided to be chill for once. I haven't seen Y/N since we got here. I knew she was safe though because she was with Kelly and Gwen, but I decided to go look for her anyways.

"Guys I'm gonna go look for Y/N." I said to Grizz, Clark, and Jason.

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen Y/N all night. I miss her." Clark said.

"Shut the fuck up Clark." I glared at him.

"Hey she's my friend! I can miss her too Mr. Jealous. Plus I think she's with Gwen and I miss my baby too." Clark frowned.

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