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It was an early Thursday morning, a day after Cecelia made her first call, when Alianna bust out of her dads room before anyone else woke up. The mini diva had taken a bath the night before and was aching to do some sort of physical activity so she grabbed one of her Leo's and put her hair up in a sloppy bun before making her way down the stairs.

She had made her father sleep in his bed with her, not liking him sleep on the couch, so the only person she had to worry about was Zion, but she really didn't. Alianna made her way into the kitchen and directed her way into the pantry but she only seem junk food and alcohol. "Brutes."

She then made her way to the refrigerator and seen some green apples and since no one else was awake and she wasn't a mini chef she had to settle on that for her breakfast. She then pushed one of their barstools up to the door and climbed onto it before taking two apples and tossing them in the sink. After she climbed down and closed the refrigerator she went to clean the apples but she was interrupted by the creaking of Zions bedroom door.

She continued on knowing if he did come in there he'd say something stupid and leave, but to her surprise Simba was the only thing that came out of the room. "Phew, I did not have time for his childish games." She said lowly as she finished cleaning off her breakfast before she grabbed a paper towel to put them in, a water bottle and made her way outside, forgetting about the chair.

Once she got outside she ate one apple and left the other one for later because she tended to get hungry post training. "Are you hungry?" She asked Simba as she gave him a piece of her apple. "It's probably better than whatever, dust sticks, is feeding you." She murmured before getting up and she began to stretch against a chair on the patio, then to doing splits and backbends.

"Can doggies do handstands?" She asked and Simba tilted his head making a noise in confusion as she shrugged and began to work on her own handstands and cartwheels. After about thirty minutes she was working on routines she had seen the older girls doing and she was trying to learn to better herself. Alianna counted to steps in her head as she did substitute flips for the Arabians the older girls were working with.

Meanwhile in the house Austin was freaking out, he had woken up to an empty bed and her things slightly disturbed and since he was new to this he was scared. The only thing he knew to do was ask for help. He grabbed his phone with haste and called Cecelia.

She answered within a minute due to the fact that she knew he'd only call her for emergencies. "What's wrong, Austin?"

"I lost her." He said simply but he was panicking all the same as he banged on everyone else's door. Outside Alianna was doing fantastic.

"Nigga what do you mean you lost her?" Cecelia said and the tiredness from her voice went away and was replaced with anger and concern. "I woke up and she was gone–"

"Check outside, Austin." She said boredly since this wasn't her first rodeo with Alianna. Austin went downstairs to see a perfect view of Alianna training herself in the backyard through the sliding doors. "I-"

"Right, get the fuck off my phone nigga." She said still having a bone to pick for letting Alianna go over there. "What's your problem, Cecelia?" He asked not seeing the situation.

"You took my daughter to that bitch's house and didn't make an effort to put her in her place after she said what she said to me. Nigga I'll come and get my baby right now, I fucking should. If I see her ass playin mommy with my baby again it's over for her." Cecelia said and there was no doubt that she wouldn't pull through on that.

"Cecelia you were the one being rude, she told me what happened and I'm sick of that attitude already, I haven't even seen you yet and you come out of nowhere with a bad ass attitude. I get you have territorial issues–"

"Bitch territorial issues? That's my child! She came out of my pussy, not hers the fuck! If I let another nigga come around here and start allowing him to take your place in Aliannas life you'd be pissed as hell because she's your child! Fuck are you talking about, goofy. And I didn't start with that funky pussy smelling bitch, she started with me! Coming at me mad disrespectful saying, "she's with me so I'll act how I want around her." Like get your homegirl or whatever she is because I will beat the fuck outta her school shooter named Toby in lady form faceass, the fuck." Cecelia said and immediately hung up on Austin, daring him to call her back.

Austin stared back at his phone in shock. "She yell loud as hell man, but she has a point, you sounded stupid as a bitch." Zion said causing Austin to give him the finger and walk outside with his daughter.

She stopped upon seeing him and immediately ran over to him giving him a hug. "Daddy! Sit down, you can see me do my dance!" She said excitedly since he hasn't seen her do gymnastics yet and she wanted to show him the most. Once she seen how fatigued he looked she gave him the Apple, "I ate one already, you need it more." Austin laughed softly as he gave her a hug.

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you." He confided and she giggled causing him to smile. "You'd die, daddy duh!" She said before putting her finger over her mouth. "Now shush, it's my time to shine." She said and went back to where she had been practicing.

Alianna took a deep breath before she began her floor routine throwing in little hip dips and shakes here and there for some personality alongside flips and tricks she had learned in her short time in the sport. When she was done she ended it on the floor smiling like a pageant girl kissing two fingers and holding them out to the 'crowd' before hopping up and raising her arms in the air to signal it was over before letting them drop to her sides.

"Whew!" Austin yelled as he swallowed a bite of the apple. "That was fantastic, munch, who taught you that?" He asked being amazed at the talent the young child had.

"My coach, but mama Ansley helped me since she used to do gymnastics too! Did you know that?" Alianna asked raving that she had someone to relate to close to her. "Your what?"

"My mama Ansley, that's what she told me to call her, and since you and Brandon told me to trust her and to be nice then I listened." She explained.

"Did I do something wrong?" Alianna asked suddenly feeling guilty. "No of course not, but I think I did." He murmured the last bit to himself realizing he had fucked up.

The drama ain't over
yet the fuck, they still
gon ******* *****

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