Chapter 5

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^^^^^Irving McGowan Adens dad pictured above

My alarm goes off which means I actually slept until 6:30am. I groan and sit up before grabbing my phone and shutting off the alarm. I stretch with a yawn and I find an outfit for the day, all blue today, blue skinny jeans with rips in the thighs and knees, a tight blue v-neck (yes I am obsessed with v-necks), I blue superman leather belt and blue tennis shoes. I took a shower and got dressed while doing the rest of my morning hygienic routine. When I was ready I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs only to be met by Aden in my kitchen cooking and my mom smiling drinking her coffee at the table.

I sit my bag down and they both see me and smile at me while saying "Good morning!" I smile back and say "Good morning to you both as well but where's the French maid costume?" Aden blushes and then as my mom is laughing he says "If you want to see me in my underwear all you have to do is ask" with a wink and a smirk. I smirked back this time and said "Well go ahead 'Magic Mike' let's see what ya got." I then pulled a $1 bill out of my wallet and wave it around. He didn't have a verbal comeback so he just walked over, pulled me to my feet and had an arm wrapped around my waist to hold me tightly up against him from our chest to our knees and he pulled back quickly with an "OUCH!" I laughed because I was prepared and pinched him. He narrowed his eyes and pouted "That's not fair" and went back to cooking. My mom being my mom said "Stop that, it might get you in trouble at school today since the principle is friends with the McGowan's from what I'm told and Aden could complain that it's assault." Aden smiled widely and said "You know Mrs McLean, now that you mention it, he could cause permanent nerve damage by always pinching me like that." I rolled my eyes and said "You both suck and not in the good way. That was one of my fun pastimes."

Just then Aden was serving breakfast and I finally ask "Are you sure this is safe? You ARE a jock so it may be dangerous to eat something you you go first." Mom scoffed and gave me an indignant look and said "I love you too son, thanks for offering me up as your personal sacrificial lamb." I patted her arm sympathetically as she picked up a fork of eggs and I said "I'll let the doctors know you want heroic measures taken to save your life." Mom gave me a go to hell laughing look and took a bite. She moaned and started eating without stopping. I turned suspiciously to Aden with narrowed eyes and said "Who taught you to cook?" He smiled brightly and said "My dad, he said my future partner might like breakfast in bed some day and thought I should at least know how to make breakfast food." I took a bite and it was DELICIOUS. Aden sat and ate with us and said "I plan to make this entire day great for you so write down instructions for what still needs to be done to finish dinner at my house and I'll get Russ to take it to the other cooks after school. We're making today all about you. Now, I have to get to school early so enjoy the rest of breakfast and I'll see you shortly beautiful" he then kisses my cheek and walks out while saying goodbye to my mom. Mom finally said "Not every boy would go to these lengths for anyone, especially somebody who has repeatedly turned them down cold." I smiled and said "I guess I'm special then hu?" She laughed and said "To me of course, you're my baby. To other're special in a different way." I scoffed and playfully slapped her arm while laughing.

Mom and I finish eating and she keeps going on and on about how cute Aden is and how sweet he is to put up with my stubbornness and dealing with my 'playing hard to get' attitude. Finally I finish eating and go re-brush my teeth before grabbing my backpack, popping a piece of my favorite minty gum in my mouth and running out to the car, tossing my bag in the back seat. I get to Jodie's house and she puts hers in the back and pulls mine to her side of the back seat which makes me ask "Um, why did you do that?" She smiles and says, I'll be taking it and meeting you at your locker, don't worry, you have surprises all day." I roll my eyes and say "He got you and my mom working for this hu?" She chuckles and says "More than just us...wait and see."

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