signed up!

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Alexanders POV:

After that hangout I was beat, (y/n) looked more radiant then ever. She so pretty, I sigh as I go to were I'm staying. On my way, I see a flyer for something. It's the revolution hiring! I think about the possibilitys of joining "hmm... " I mumbled if I do sign up... I'll be remembered as someone who fought for independence SIGN ME UP! I sign up and the guy said a letter will be sent to my address. Oh boy! I'm super excited!!! I look at all the signers and see that John, Hercules, Lafayette and Burr also signed up!!! Heck yeah boi!!! I run to were I'm staying and lay on the bed. "Today was a great day" I mumbled to my self as I fall into a deep slumber...


Sorry guys that the latest chapters have been short I promise that the next ones won't be short!

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