ch eight || late

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your pov

two weeks later

"Y/n. You NEED to take a test. you're almost three weeks late stop avoiding it." Y/bff/n said as she stood at my doorway throwing a pregnancy test box at me.

I groaned. "I don't wannnnnnnnnna, it's probably my birth control being weird," I said swatting the pregnancy test off my bed and hugging my body pillow.

"If it's your birth control then why'd you stop taking it?" y/bff/n said raising her eyebrows.

"Because... Anyways that's not the point. I haven't talked to Nick since I basically told him to fuck off... Let's say the test says positive, WHICH IT WON'T," I said knocking on my wooden bed frame, "the hell am I supposed to tell him?" 

y/bff/n sighed, picked up the test I swatted on the floor, and sat at the foot of my bed. I felt her eyes burning into the side of my head but I avoided eye contact with her.

"It doesn't hurt to check Y/n" is all she said, with her hand holding the test stretched out to me.

I screamed in my pillow, looked back at her, and took the test out of her hands. 


I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and peed on the stick as the instructions said to. 

It also said I had to wait 5 minutes before it gave the results. I left the test sitting on the sink and set a timer on my phone for five minutes. I walked out and sat on the bed resting my head on y/bff/n's shoulder trying not to cry.

whhhhyyyyy is this happening to me. This is not my plan. This is not what was supposed to happen.

Deep down I already knew what that test was going to say, and I didn't want to face this new reality of mine. As long as I didn't see what it said, it's not real yet. and I don't have to deal with it. 

But y/bff/n was right. This isn't something I can just ignore anymore.

All of a sudden my phone timer went off, taking me out of my thoughts. I lifted my head from y/bff/n's should and realized my cheeks were a little wet. I guess I did end up crying. We looked at each other for a second and she nodded at me.

I sighed nervously and walked over to the bathroom. She followed behind me and stood at the doorway of the bathroom as I walked over to the sink and picked up the test.

I froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk. Tears that I couldn't control kept streaming down my cheeks.

"well...?" y/bff/n asked, breaking the silence.

I looked up at her and just shook my head yes.

She walked over to me to confirm. She took the test from my hands and her eyes went wide.

"Holy shit y/n... you're pregnant." 

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