ch 11 || month three

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your pov

Everything has been so smooth sailing. I'm three months into this pregnancy, and although I've been gaining a little weight, no fans from either my side or Nick's side thinks I'm pregnant. 

We have absolutely no idea how long we're going to hide this, but we both agreed we're hiding it as long as possible. 

I haven't had bad pregnancy symptoms until this point. I tried to film a storytime video for my channel but I felt way too nauseous after getting ready for the video. I changed back into sweat pants and one of Zion's big ole hoodies that I stole and got back in bed. 

I decided to go on my phone and let my followers know that this week's video is going to be up late 


(replace her face with yours)


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yourinsta@ hiiii, i'm feeling super sick so this week's video may or may not be a little late 😷

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y/n_stan feel better 😭

therealnickmara I'm on my wAyAyyAYAyAyy


you smile at all the feel better comments, you like a few of them before you get off the post and continue to scroll down.

All of a sudden my insatgram starts blowing up with people tagging me in screenshots of Nick and Zion's comments trying to find out wHicH PrEtTyMuCH MeMBer i'M DaTinG.

I roll my eyes and laugh at how some beanz are freaking out, again, if only they knew...

I locked my phone and was about to take a nap when I heard my doorbell go off about 10,000 times. I groaned and got up and saw Nick standing there with a "feel better" teddybear in one hand, a box of Lipton soup in the other hand, and a big smile on his face.

I laughed and moved to the side to let him in. "I thought you were joking."

"Hell nah. When my baby momma, the woman carrying precious cargo, says she's sick, I gotta make sure she's taken care of." He said giving me the bear and making his way to the kitchen.

I smelled the bear while he walked away, it smells just like him. I walked over to him and set the bear down on the counter. He started to boil water for the soup.

"Oh and Zion sent me over here to get his hoodie back because, and I quote, 'he doesn't want that pregnancy energy on his clothes'" I laughed and shook my head "He's not getting it back for a little while, I hope he knows that" I said sitting on the counter to keep him company as he makes me soup.

Nick nodded, his phone was going off but he wasn't opening any messages. Probably the groupchat with the other boys or something.

Nick's pov

After I commented on y/n's post people went crazy again. Alexys has been noticing that y/n's been around but she hasn't asked any questions about it. I didn't think of it at first when I commented I was on my way until after the fact it was screenshotted and reposted everywhere.

Up until now, y/n was not on Alexys radar but I messed up, and now she is. She's been blowing up my phone about it ever since. I started to ignore her which I knew would piss her off but right now y/n is my priority. She's been nauseous since yesterday and I need to make sure she's eating and staying hydrated. She's carrying my baby, that comes before anything else.

 I was making y/n soup when Alexys started again. I tried to ignore it but it got to the point where I know y/n is going to start asking questions.

I took my phone out of my pocket and put it on silent and continue turned off the stove since the soup was finished. I turned around and saw y/n's curious face. no no no pls don't ask questions.

"groupchat going crazy huh" is all she said before hopping out of the counter to get bowls for the soup.

"yes, ma'am" is all I said as I took the bowls from her hands and served us.

I ate my food and felt so distracted, it's getting to the point where I have to tell Alexys and I have a feeling it's going to blow up in my face...

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