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usually on summer break, yuna would get up around two pm and stay in her room. with her friends out of town, she's usually on her phone for the whole summer.

but today, she surprisingly got up earlier than usual. she didn't want to keep minhee waiting.

she didn't want to make the same mistake again.

she shrugged off the thought from her head and took a look at the mirror. she was wearing whitewashed ripped jeans to go with a plain mustard colored shirt she had. simple and not too extravagant.

she looked at the time and it was already 2pm. she got her brown sling bag and made her way out of her house.

minhee on the other hand is the type to get up early no matter how late he sleeps. he got up around nine and just layed down in bed. he hasn't eaten dinner yesterday so he figured out he should at least eat something.

he made his way downstairs to be greeted by no one. his parents probably left for work already and his brother is most likely asleep. he sighed and prepared some fried chicken.

the smell filled the house as it awakened his brother. the older got up from his bed and left his room to be greeted by a cooking minhee.

"minhee-ah, what are you cooking?"

"fried chicken. want some hyung?"

the older nodded as minhee smiled in response. no matter how much sadness and anger is being stored in his heart, he can never hate his brother.

he's the definition of perfection. good looking, above average grades, really sociable, loved by everyone, and he knows what to do with his life.

and minhee envied him. so much

the room was silent as minhee was cooking. he was thinking of many things at the same time as his brother was mainly on his phone. it was a comfortable silence that spread the room, only birds chirping and cars occasionally passing by could be heard.

"here you go seokhwa-hyung" minhee said as he placed the plate of chicken on the table.

"thanks minhee"

they ate in silence as they were focused on eating. as soon as the younger finished, he checked the time and it was already 2pm. he got up and went to his room to fix himself.

he got a plain white shirt and some ripped jeans. his signature style. he grabbed his phone and his wallet and made his way to starbucks.

when the boy got there, yuna was on her phone scrolling through social media. he approached the girl and sat in front of her.

"oh? minhee you're here already."


"well uhm since you're here let's order something." she said as she smiled.

minhee nodded at the idea and they both made their way to the counter. the girl ordered a chocolate frappucino while the latter ordered iced coffee.

"that would be 7000 won" the guy behind the counter said lifelessly.

"here" yuna said as she handed the man the payment.

"i could've payed for mine." the boy said as he gave yuna his share of the payment.

"it's fine i was the one who asked you to come anyways." she said as she gave him a small smile.

they got their drinks and made their way to where they sat. it was really awkward at first as the two of them didn't know how to start the conversation.

"so, you're from busan right?" the boy started the conversation.

"yeah. my parents decided to move here."

"why? i heard busan is great."

the girl looked a little nervous about the question. with a heavy gulp and an obvious lip bite, minhee knew he chose a sensitive topic to yuna.

"you don't need to answer if you don't want."

"haha it's okay. i can't tell you here though. there's too many people."

the girl said as minhee looked around. starbucks was packed as usual with different people, some tourists, some koreans, and some people who just wanna take pictures of the highly aesthetic cafe.

the both of them decided to walk towards a local park. it was kinda far but taking the bus would take them longer to get there.

their journey surprisingly wasn't full of just small talk. knowing how awkward they were in the cafe a while ago. while walking they somehow got to know each other more. they're actually both the same age with the boy two months older than yuna, and his house is right across hers.

they sat down on a bench under the big tree while watching the neighborhood children play.

"i love parks." minhee told yuna while he was looking into the view.

"same here." the latter replied.

"it's so calming. this park is my favorite in the area. there isn't many people and it's just beside the sea."

"it brings back many memories with me and my friends." minhee says while thinking of his friends. just the thought of it makes me smile.

"i didn't have many friends." the girl said while minhee looked at her confusingly.

"i had a few friends but in the end they turned against me."

minhee wanted to ask her what happened but he felt like he didn't have the right yet. they had just met a day ago and he doesn't know if she's comfortable with him just yet.

yuna's eyes slowly became glossy and minhee tried to find a way to stop her from crying.

"yuna, are you hungry?"

"what?" the girl asked as she was confused on why he had asked her that out of nowhere.

"are you hungry?" minhee asked again.

"uhm i guess so?" the latter replied. hell yeah she was hungry.

"great its almost 6pm there's something i wanna show you." minhee said with a smile on his face.

his smile made the girl smile too. the boy stood up and signalled he's taking her somewhere. she stood up too and they made their way to who knows where.


long ass update before i go on my flight :D i'll update on the plane don't worry. thanks for reading this story!! i hope you are enjoying it and please leave a vote!


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