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The car situation ended up....interesting and awkward for most

In front, there was Chan driving and in the passenger seat with Jeongin sitting next to him

Then in the back Changbin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Minho all fit In the normal 3 seats leaving Felix and Jisung needing a seat

Changbin automatically pulled Felix to sit on his lap and back hugged him, Jisung, on the other hand, was trying to somehow sit on the floor of the car which was not possible right now

"Chan, can you pop the trunk? The arcade is only a few minutes away anyways I can just lay back there"

"Jisung I'm pretty sure that's like illegal and if it's only a few minutes away then deal with an uncomfortable situation for few minutes but hurry up"

Jisung awkwardly went up to Minho


Minho laughed at his awkwardness and just pulled him to sit on his lap

Chan finally started leaving and the car ride was short, only about 5 minutes until they got to the arcade

As soon as Chan parked the car Jisung opened the door and automatically got out, Minho noticing that his face was red since the car light was slightly shining on his face

"Cute" Minho said quietly

Once they all got out of the car they walked into the arcade together and Chan bought everyone a bunch of tokens with some of the money they got from there tour and told Jisung and Changbin that he would give them their share tomorrow when they come over after school

After everyone received their tokens they all started going off into different groups within the 9 person group

Chan and Jeongin walking to some plushy claw machine with a hopeful looking Jeongin

The next group was Felix and Changbin who were playing Mario cart with each other

Then there was Hyunjin and Seungmin who were playing skee ball(?)

Finally leaving Minho and Jisung, Minho walked towards   the basketball game while Jisung followed him

Minho started playing the game and ended up getting a really high score

"Do you want to try it Jisung"

"Sure, but I'm really bad at basketball" Jisung said as he put in a token and completely missed the basket on his first try causing Minho the slightly laugh at him

"I told you so" Jisung said to him

"No, it's fine but I didn't think you were that serious you don't even hold it the right way. Let me teach you"

Minho went behind Jisung and grabbed his hands and showed him the right way to hold the basketball instead of his weird way where he only used one of his hands

Then Minho helps him shoot for the basket which caused Jisung to successfully get a point and as soon as he did he ran out of time in the game, Minho let go of him

"Well that was unfortunate, did you want to play it again and try by yourself?"

"Nope I'm good let's go find  something  else" Jisung said flustered from the situation that just happened

"Okay then let's go...." Minho saw the dance game and his eyes lit up, as he grabbed a Jisungs hand and pulled him over to it. Holding hands not being an awkward thing for the two since they did it so much while ice skating

After they finished Minho ended up with a lot higher score then Jisung

"That's not fair! Your really good at dancing anyways" Jisung said and pouted

"Okay sorry, you choose a game" Minho said

"Don't they also have karaoke rooms here?" Jisung asked

"Yes but that's not fair, you're basically a professional rapper at this point and I can't sing"

"I bet you are an amazing singer, also I won't choose a rap song"

"I'm only agreeing to this because I have never heard you sing before and I'm curious"

"Okay then let's go"

Once they got into a karaoke room Jisung automatically told Minho that he could go fist since he was older causing him to just sigh and agree since he definitely didn't want to start an argument over something dumb like that

Minho chose the song "heartbeat" by 2 pm

Jisung was laughing at him throughout the whole thing because of his extraness but ignoring that he thought that Minho was actually really good at singing

(I was gonna use there actual scores till I realized Minho's team got a 100 so I'm changing it lol)

When Minho finished they waited for his score which ended up being a 94

"Your voice is so goon what the heck do you mean you can't sing?!"

"I'm not that good"

"I will fight you"

"Sure, but it's your turn so choose a song and I really want to hear your singing voice"

"Okay but your better than me at singing"

"We will see about that"

Jisung ended up choosing the song "BRDG" by Zion.T

He sang the song and toward the end started getting extra with it which caused Minho to laugh at him he finished with the score of 95

"I only got one point higher than you, but I still think you did better than me"

"Umm no, this is actually very unfair that you can both sing and rap. Can you share your talents please cause it's really not fair" Minho said dramatically

"Stop being overdramatic"

"Okay but seriously you have the best voice, singing and rapping that I've heard in my whole life"

"Yeah sure, what time is it?" Jisung asked suddenly remembering that they have school tomorrow

"1o:10" Minho replied

"Oh snap we are supposed to leave at 10, let's go"

They walked out to the arcade and didn't see any of their friends so they walked to Chan's car and saw them all waiting

"Where were you two?"Felix asked

"We were doing karaoke I'm sorry" Jisung explained

"It's fine but we gotta drop everyone off at their houses so let's go" Chan said

Everyone got back into the original spots they were first in, Jisung being less awkward this time

Eventually, everyone got dropped off and thanked Chan for the ride and for paying for the arcade

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