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"You, you broke up with me for literally no reason" Minho suddenly said to Beomseok looking a bit sad

"I didn't break up with you for no reason you cheated on me!" Beomseok suddenly said defensively

"What?!?? I never cheated! Wait what did you tell Jisung? Is this why you've been acting weird around me? You think I'm going to cheat on you?" Minho asked all of his questions

"What do you mean you never cheated?" Beomseok asked him

"Wait hold up, you said his name was Kitae?" Jisung suddenly asked Beomseok trying to figure out the whole situation

"Yeah I think so, do you know him?"

"He's the person that just ended up in jail for kidnapping me, what about him?"Minho asked

"Okay answer this honestly, we broke up a while and I don't care anymore but did you ever have romantic feelings for Kitae? Were you two ever anything more than friends?"

"Of course not!!! I never saw Kitae that way ever!!!!!"Minho defended himself and Jisung let out a small sigh of relief but he was still confused

"What? I said answer honestly! Is it because Jisung is here?"

"No!!! What are you trying to get out of me?"

"Okay sit down, we all need to talk" Jisung said talking to Minho, luckily there weren't many people at the cafe and the people who were there didn't care about what was happening

"Okay so Minho explain how Beomseok broke up with you"Jisung said now taking over the conversation for them

"I went to school one day and he just walked up to me crying so I asked him what was wrong and he just said he was breaking up with me so I started crying, I asked him why and  and he just walked away. Then I found out that he actually switched schools, he blocked me on everything and I haven't talked to him since then till just now"Minho explained his side of the story

"Okay now Beomseok please tell Minho what you told me up until he got here including the name of the person" Jisung said

Beomseok explained the text and phone call he had gotten at the time then said Kitae's name

"No way...I swear I don't remember cuddling with him, I didn't even remember how I got to his house that day we were not even friends in high school. I know it was the day before you broke up with me but I just remember waking up at his house and asking how I got there. He told me that we saw each other at the cafe and he invited me over and I said yes so I went to his house and passed out while we were watching a movie.... but I never remembered any of that" Minho explained confused

"Was Kitae ever friends with people that had connections with drugs?" Jisung asked him

"I guess he always hung out with people who where a lot older than him, they could have been"Minho said

"Wait you think that Kitae drugged and kidnapped Minho? When we were in 9th grade?" Beomseok asked confused

"He did it a few weeks ago, he's mentally not okay I know it sounds crazy but we are talking about Kitae and Minho doesn't remember anything so it kinda makes sense"

"Did you just never talk to Kitae again after that?" Beomseok asked Minho

"No, not until 12th grade"

"So you two broke up because of Kitae, seems like he only had a problem if you liked someone"Jisung said

"I guess so... I'm sorry for not letting you have a chance to explain yourself back then" Beomseok said feeling guilty even though it's long in the past now

"It's okay, I'm sorry that Kitae is a freaking psycho And made you think I would ever cheat on you, but it was nice to actually know what possibly happened now. And Jisung... I will never ever cheat you, it took way to much for us to actually even be in a relationship and I would never do something like that to you okay?"Minho said and looked at Jisung as he asked the last part. Jisung just nodded his head while looking at his hands

"But you guys loved each other, and it wasn't either of your faults that you two broke up. I feel bad, and it's really hard for me to say this but if you two still feel that way about each other you guys have been through a lot and I don't want to get in the way. I will break up with Minho if you both still have those feelings for each other"Jisung said not looking up, and preparing himself for heartbreak

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