Extra chapter 2 (Jeongchan)

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Things in the past year had been going pretty well for Jeongin and Chan, ignoring one minor detail.....

They never made their relationship official

It wasn't a horrible thing because they acted like a couple and kissed and held hands and cuddled all the time, they just never asked on another officially

They didn't really mind it or at least they didn't seem like they did

Neither of them ever started dating anyone else but Chan decided he was going to ask Jeongin to finally be his boyfriend today...but he ended up procrastinating a lot (I'm waiting for the comments lol)

The day started off with Chan asking Jeongin to come over

Chan heard a knock on the door and ran to it, he was nervous even though he highly doubted that the younger would reject him

"Hi, Chan!" The younger said and hugged him

"Hi" Chan said as he hugged him back and kissed his head

Jeongin didn't think much about Chan inviting him over and thought it was just like every other time

So they ended up having a movie marathon, cooked some food, then decided to make a fort, because Chan was too nervous to ask Jeongin the question and kept coming up with excuses/ things to do instead

They were building a huge fort inside of Chan's living room with a mattress inside of it

They forgot to build it so that they could watch tv while inside of it and didn't realize till they were done

So now they were adding the finishing touches and putting fairy lights inside of the fort

"It's so pretty" Jeongin said looking around the inside of the fort


They were both laying  in the fort not really doing anything, just looking at the lights

"Jeongin" Chan said getting his attention


"I love you"

"I love you too"Jeongin said and moved over to hug Chan's side

"You are so cute" Chan smiled at him

"What do you think will happen once we go to college?" Jeongin suddenly asked

"With what? Grade wise I think we will both be fine, we can help each other study for things. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that we will all stay friends an-"Jeongin suddenly cut Chan off with a quick kiss

"I meant with us? What if you find someone you like more then me and get a boyfriend?"

"I actually was thinking of getting a boyfriend"

"Oh" Jeongin said, sadness in his voice

"But of course I could never like anyone more than you"

"You are confusing me"

"I will never like anyone more than you. To me everything about you is perfect and no one can beat that"

Jeongin blushed and Chan kissed his cheek

"What are your thoughts?" Chan asked him

"I know for a fact that I will never find anyone that is more amazing for me then you are, cause too me you are also perfect even though we disagree with things sometimes"

"Then will you be my boyfriend? Officially?" Chan asked him

"Of course I will"

They both spent the rest of the night staying up in the fort just talking to each other, they found out some not so perfect things about each other but it didn't keep them from thinking the other one is still perfect to them despite their flaws

Eventually, sometime around 6 am they both finally fell asleep, in each other's arms

Two things I learned while writing this story-
1-my sleep-deprived writing is crack
2-my extremely stressed writing is cringe (this)

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