⋘ ∗ ⋅65⋅ ∗ ⋙

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Everyone got to school earlier than usual because for some reason Felix texted them to be at school by 6:45 even though school doesn't start till 7:30

It was now 6:48 and everyone was there except for Felix and Changbin

"I just realized that half of us are graduating on Thursday" Chan suddenly said and they all kind of just shrugged

"I'm taking a year off so I can start college at the same time as Jisung"Minho explained to them

"Same" all of the older ones said referring to their own boyfriend

"That's so cool! We are all going to be going to college at the same time, we all need to apply for colleges together next summer" Jeongin said and they all nodded in agreement

"Wait, Qian what about you? What are you doing after you graduate?" Jisung asked him

"I'm already a year behind, I've actually already put in a bunch of applications for colleges" Qian explained and Jisung pouted and hugged him

"I'm going to miss you, thank you for beating up Kitae and for being such a great friend"

Minho was slightly jealous but he knew that Qian was there for Jisung when he wasn't and that they were friends, also that nothing would come in between him and Jisung so he controlled his jealousy

The word friend still kind of hurt Qian when Jisung said it but he knew that Jisung was now happy with Minho and that he will find someone for himself in college, hopefully just as precious of a person as Jisung though he wasn't sure that that was possible, guess he will find out for himself

Jisung noticed the slightest look of jealousy on Minho's face so he went over to him and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and Minho instantly smiled at him

Suddenly Felix and Changbin finally pulled up and got out of Changbin's car

"Sorry we are late but we are running on 4 hours of sleep and we needed to go get caffeine" Felix explained

"Why did you only get 4 hours of sleep?"Chan asked them

"Shut up Chan! It's not like you get more and I'm getting there" Felix said

"Dang okay sorry then continue"

"Okay so we have a special announcement" Felix started off

"Me and Changbin.... got married...."

Everyone gasped

"Mentally" Felix finally finished

"What the heck does that mean?" Seungmin asked him

"I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" Jisung said and took Felix's hand to look  at what was left of the ring pop then hugged him, Minho slightly getting jealous that he wasn't getting Jisung's attention yet again

"It means that in our heads we are married though it's not officially on paper since we are still young, it's official to us" Changbin explained and everyone admitted that it was adorable

"Minho I swear to god, stop looking at me like that! First of all, I am married and am no way a threat to yours and Jisung's relationship, I am his best friend and people are going to hug him so chill the heck out and get used to it"

Felix said to him and everyone laughed at his sudden  rant while Minho got embarrassed from Felix exposing him

"You two really need to become friends, or else my life is going to be stressful" Jisung said as he let go of Felix

"Don't stress about it, I'm sorry that I was stupid Felix and about getting jealous I swear that I will never let anything bad ever happen to your best friend"

"Where stupid? You still are stupid but we kind of all are...except for Seungmin I still don't understand how you became fluent in English in 3 months, learning Korean was a struggle" he said looking over at Seungmin as he said the last part

"Now hug each other"Jisung suddenly demand

They looked at each other than at Jisung but they eventually hugged awkwardly


Then the bell rang and they all went to their separate classrooms then met up with each other again at lunch

Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jaeho realized that it was going to be really weird without their boyfriends with them at lunch next year

But considering that none of them were going to be in school they would still see them probably on a daily basis

Everything was going normally at lunch but then Minho's phone rang...and it was from jail

I'm writing the second to last chapter rn 😭

My updating schedule died, oops

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