⋘ ∗ ⋅37⋅ ∗ ⋙

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Jisung was now starting to regret his life decisions since he was feeling really nervous about meeting up with Minho

He wanted to back out of the plan to confess to him but he knew Felix would kill him

He got dressed and checked the mirror 50 times before he realized that it was time to go meet Minho

He sighed but picked up his phone and wallet in his pocket and walked out the door feeling nauseous from the nervousness

He got to the cafe and walked inside seeing that Minho was already there

He felt like he was going to die but he walked up to Minho and sat across from him anyways

"Hi Jisung!" He said smiling at him

"Hi" Jisung said looking nervous

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yup I'm fine, how about you?"Jisung asked avoiding eye contact with Minho

Just then the waiter came back with two drinks and a piece of chocolate cheesecake

Jisung felt too nauseous to eat the cheesecake making this the first time he did not want to eat cheesecake

"I'm good but is something wrong with the cheesecake or something"

"No, I just....am not in the mood for it?" Jisung said making it sound more like a question

"You? Not in the mood for cheesecake? I'm actually concerned, what's wrong?"

"You see... I umm li-" suddenly he was cut off by a boy about their age who walked up to Minho

"Lee Minho?" he asked looking at him

"Sung Kitae?"Minho asked looking back up at him

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever how are you?" He asked pulling another chair up to Jisung and Minho's table

Jisung was mad, he knew that he was so close to confessing and whoever this dude is just ruined it and he didn't think he would ever even come close to saying it again

"I'm good Umm this is my friend Jisung, he goes to JYP high school with me. Jisung this is Kitae my friend from middle school"

"Wait you're telling me we have been going to the same high school and we've never seen each other there?"

"Really? You go to JYP too?"Minho asked him

"Yup, And hi Jisung. Was I interrupting something?"He asked

"No, I actually have to go now. Have fun"

"Wait Jisung" Minho called out but he had already left

"Oh I'm sorry should I have not come and said hi?"Kitae asked Minho

"Of course you should have it's really nice to see you, he was just acting weird this whole time and I don't know why so I wanted to know if he was really okay. I will just text him later"

"Where you two on a date?

"No I wi-"Kitae cut him off before he could finish his sentence

"Nice to know you are still single" he said smiling at Minho

"I really like Ji-" he again cut him off again

"Anyways I got to go now but hopefully we can hang out a lot more, let's exchange numbers"

After they exchanged numbers Kitae left and Minho went home with Jisung on his mind

Meanwhile with Jisung right after he left the cafe

He walked to Felix's house when he got there he knocked and Mrs. Lee (Felix's mom)
Answered the door

"Jisung are you okay? Felix is upstairs still asleep somehow but wake him up"

"I'm fine and thank you" Jisung said walking upstairs

He opened Felix's door to darkness then switched his lights on which revealed his brightly colored room

"Mother it's the weekend, I have no point in being awake unless Changbin texts me, leave me alone please" he heard Felix say from underneath the covers

"What if your best friend needs you" Jisung asked

"OH MY GOD, DID YOU DO IT?" Felix got up and looked at Jisung "you look sad, what happened? I TOLD HIM NOT TO HURT YOU! imma get my group of friends to beat him up"

"Felix your group of friends is his group of friends, and he didn't do anything"

"What happen? Sit down and spill the tea" Felix said patting a seat on the bed next to him

"I was about to Then this dumb guy from his middle school came and interrupted and they seemed close and happy to talk to each other so I left, and I was freaking out I don't think I can come close to confessing again"

"I'm going to beat him up, why didn't Minho keep you from leaving"Felix asked getting up

"I don't know"Jisung said pulling Felix to sit back down

"Okay well we are having a movie marathon cause I don't want you to be sad and by yourself and I want to make sure you cheer up, we can figure out the Minho situation later but you don't need to think about it right now"

"Okay" Jisung agreed

So they both started watching movies and a little while later Jisung felt his phone buzz

Jisung are you okay?
You were acting weird

"Jisung who just texted you?"


"You better not answer"

"Felix he didn't do anything wrong, it was that dumb Kitae dude"


I'm fine I just forgot
That I was also supposed to
Hang out with Felix today
Which is why I left

Oh okay then have fun

"See the conversation is already over" Jisung said showing Felix his phone

Felix nodded and they watched movies for a few more hours till Jisung went home

I wrote 5 chapters while in the car today so that's fun

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