28 | Beyond the Mirage

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The campfire crackled gently in the night, its embers popping and sizzling as the flames wavered with the wind

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The campfire crackled gently in the night, its embers popping and sizzling as the flames wavered with the wind. Cool breezes fanned the sweet smoke to the north only to be lost in the shadows of the woods. In the darkness, twigs snapped beneath heavy footsteps. Or, more likely, paw-steps.

The company gathered around the fire, quiet as they gazed into the flickering blaze. August glanced at the empty spot beside her which was just large enough for Gracie to settle into and rest her chin on the pirate's lap. The Shaymin was nowhere to be seen. Firelight reflected in August's eyes as she stared at where she'd last seen Gracie—the Core Gracidea clearing.

Persuading Cloud and Clover to guide the group to their home was a difficult task. Gracie had begun her discussions midday, and the sun had already set several hours before now. There was still no sign of success. August trusted Gracie to negotiate, of course; if there was one trait Gracie embodied, it was persistence. Whether she was finishing a game or upholding a promise, Gracie never gave up without a struggle.

August had left her alone with the Shaymin in hopes she'd have more luck without human presence. They'd set up camp at the entrance of the tree tunnel, not wanting to risk setting a plot of Gracideas ablaze.

"They're close to making a deal," Omar assured her, catching her bothered frown. "I can feel it." Then again, he'd told her the same thing four times earlier tonight.

August rolled her shoulders and sighed, tilting her head back to look at the sky. "Best be true." She licked her lips, repelled by the bitterness lacing her words. Shifting direction, she lightened her tone and asked, "Anyone care fo' constellations?"

Up above, the canopies had split apart and left a gap perfect for gazing at the stars. Without storm clouds in the way, the clear night sky was breathtaking. Thousands of stars twinkled brilliantly in the darkness, forming fantastical patterns with tales as old as time behind them.

"I do. Right there's the Steel Knight," Cyryl said, pointing skyward. "They say it's named after a man who befriended Steel-type Pokémon of all kinds. He spent his entire life coexisting with them."

August cracked a grin. "See the one next to it? The round bend? That's the Dunce o' Dunes. Some dorbel almost lost his life to a Trapinch nest 'cause he fell into it. A Turtwig saved his sorry ass, though, I think."

"It's funny which ones you two remember," Lang commented, smiling in amusement.

Omar nodded along, careful not to move too much as Marley slept against his side. "I'll be honest: I don't get constellations. Well, how you see them. They look like dots to me." He joined in on the laughter as everyone snickered at his confession.

"D'ya know the North Star?" August asked, raising her brows.

He chuckled again. "Yeah, I do. I better since I sail."

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