🌺 Thanks + Trivia 🌺

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🌺 Acknowledgments 🌺

If only the past me had known what life would be like two years and 155k words later. It's taken a long time to get here, but we've finally reached the end of The Isles of Gracidea. This passion project has hands down been the most ambitious thing I've ever attempted in my writing life, and I'm glad to say that I'm extremely proud of how it turned out.

Somewhere along the way of this journey, TIOG somehow picked up the most incredible audience of readers. I'd love to extend my thanks to everyone who has made this journey all the more magical.

First of all, I have to give credit where credit is due. I've said it before time and time again, but thank you so much GOLDENDUST- / MAGICK- for giving me the concepts that brought TIOG to life all those months ago in November of 2017. Neither of us knew how a few simple plot elements of sky islands, pirates, and magicians would lead to the monstrous project that is TIOG. I'll forever be in awe of your generosity.

Oh, ImberLapis. We've had each other's backs since we both joined the Pokémon community of Wattpad back in 2016, and I think this year proved that more than ever. Thank you so much for letting me bounce the world's most ridiculous ideas off of you to find out if they're sane or not. Thank you for investing yourself in Caelum and loving it just as much as I do. The fact that you went out there and wrote a fic of your own about ideas I've created is straight-up mindblowing. I still can't wrap my head around that My Name is Loto exists. Like, wow. Dang. You're the realest MVP, Finger Girl.

And then there's Wattpad's bundle of sunshine herself, JunieWeathers. It always made me giddy whenever I was greeted by a notification of your comments because you always have such interesting and supportive things to say. Thank you so much for being so interactive.

AnUnnamedGalaxy, you eagle-eyed lifesaver, you. Thank you so much for supporting TIOG all the way while also catching its dozens of horrible typos. You're kind of the best.

sxftsmiIes, DeskLampNinja, kimcgray95, prism_soul, Torterra657, chisakiis, Aqua_allusion, KantoChamp-BlueOak, Platlia, Cryobeats, silvertipstudio, and everyone else who has ever supported TIOG—thank you.

I'm so, so, so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read this story. I can't stress enough how amazing it is to see people so interested in a world I'd thought up mostly myself despite how strange and otherworldly it is. I've never received this level of support for a story before, so seeing all this love for TIOG makes me emotional. Every read, comment, vote, fan art, and fan work is something I'll cherish for the rest of my writing days. From the bottom of my heart, thank you ♡

🌺 Mini Survey 🌺

1.) Who was your most favorite character? Why?

2.) Who was your least favorite character? Why?

3.) Which characters had your most favorite relationship? Why?

4.) What was your most favorite part of the story? Why?

5.) If you were a magician, what type would you be? Why?

🌺 Fun Facts 🌺

✧ The Lake Trio were going to be the keys to saving the world, but then I wanted August to have a traveling companion, so that idea was scrapped in favor of a Shaymin

✧ The Guardians almost became the Forces of Nature trio, but the Beast Trio were easier to explain how they fit in

✧ Gracie wasn't originally planned to be a character; instead, August was supposed to just have a Gracidea as the OG title of this project was The Last Gracidea

✧ I thought about having dual protagonists with one half of the story following August on her pirate adventures and the other focusing on Shannon and her experience as the first female officer in the Rubre Navy

✧ August and Shannon were originally dudes

✧ This fic was originally planned to be 22 chapters long (24 with the prologue/epilogue) because it focused only on how August was a pirate

✧ Pidge's personality is based off of my chickens'

✧ Martim used to be called Jacobo, but I didn't want his name and Calico's to both end with o's

✧ The main reason Angeleyes was added to the story is because I love his ridiculous name that I came up with listening to Kim Petras' "Heart to Break"
Angel eyes / Tell me lies

✧ Originally, Cyryl was going to be the one who fought the Brawler King

✧ Yes, the King's Gauntlet is inspired by Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet because I love Marvel

✧ Other franchises that inspired TIOG are Epic, Warriors, The Seven Realms, Breath of the Wild, Castle in the Sky, Avatar, and, of course, Pirates of the Caribbean

✧ Soundtracks I listened to while writing include Super Mystery Dungeon, Hollow Knight, Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Pikmin

✧ Nuri was supposed to evolve into a Magmortar, but the idea got scrapped because it completely ruined my plans for the climax battle. To get the Magmarizer, they were going to have to go to a graveyard where a famous, dead brawler's Magmortar lived and battle the Pokémon for the item.

✧ I threw away an even bigger subplot that was going to involve Cyryl's parents reading a magician uprising which would lead to August and Co. trying to stop them, but it was too long and complicated so it was deleted from the outline

✧ Calico's name is borrowed from a real pirate called Jack Calico

✧ Kaso's name derives from tochukaso, which is the name of the parasitic mushroom that grows on the Paras line

✧ Lang was almost an Electric-type magician

✧ Lang's name means "sweet potato" and so when she goes into her magician form, the flower petals that replace her hair are actually flowers that grow on sweet potato plants

✧ Prince Dedan was supposed to have a much bigger role in the Scarlet Palace arc, but that idea got thrown out so Gracie could have a big moment

✧ The name Omar has several meanings, one of which being "long-lived" :')

✧ If you'd like to see how this story came to be and all my thoughts about it, I do have another post that covers just that. In my random book, Seriously, I go into an in-depth editorial in the chapter: •messy self-critique: TIOG• that's worth checking out if you're interested.

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