31 | Doppelgänger

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Electricity blasted through the air in a torrent of blistering energy, lighting the land aflame as it struck its desired targets

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Electricity blasted through the air in a torrent of blistering energy, lighting the land aflame as it struck its desired targets. Raw, bloodcurdling screams of pain tore from the charred throats of the Thunderbolt's victims. They threw themselves to the earth and rolled, but their excruciating agony only intensified. A golden tiger of primal fury snatched one of his flaming victims by zir legs then flung him at a challenging Altaria. The stench of burning flesh and the sound of pained screeches heightened.

Calico threw herself behind a shed and out of the Guardian's sight, hardly able to breathe through the billowing smoke. Her Dark magician form allowed her to blend into the shadows more easily, but she didn't dare take any chances when facing Raikou. The blasted beast had charged her crew on the outskirts of Dead Man's Coast near a village with a killer vengeance. She had no idea how many men and Pokémon she'd lost already.

All around her, the world was consumed by flames set ablaze by Raikou's Thunder attacks. His power devoured the ruins of the abandoned town and left blackness in its wake. Those ashes whipped through the hot wind and stung Calico's eyes. She hadn't the voice to curse; she hadn't the choice to breathe. The massive, lurking figure of the Guardian froze her still.

Raikou prowled past her, his entire body crackling with vicious sparks. A deep, hellish growl rumbled in his chest. The orange fire cast a demonic gleam onto his feline pupils as he sought more of her men to maul and murder. Scarlet stained his snow-white snout.

Calico's jaw clenched. On the other side of the coastal village was the port the Zoroark's Deceit was docked in. Raikou stood between her and her ship. The mangled bodies of the dead littered the main road, and collapsed buildings left no room for her to take a detour. The Guardian knew the isle better than her; if she became lost within this land, he'd find her and finish her off. She'd have to force her way through.

Keeping her voice low and steady, she ordered the companion beside her, "Distract the brute. Keep 'im busy 'til the ship's gone. You can catch up later."

The black fox at her side nodded. Zo had never been one to question Calico's demands.

She narrowed her eyes into slits. "Now."

The Zoroark crept out from behind the shed and stood off against the Guardian. As soon as he made eye contact with Raikou, his appearance began to warp. Disgustingly. Zo's muscles pulsated as his skeleton crackled. Ivory canines curled out from his red gums, bright against his onyx-turned-gold pelt. A plume of thunderclouds encircled his strained neck. Zo, in his Raikou form, released an ear-splitting roar.

Raikou flinched, stunned by the Pokémon's sickening illusion. Zo took the opening. Caterwauling, he charged the Guardian with his claws glowing violet. Too quick for Raikou to dodge, Zo raked him across the face with the Night Slash. Another roar erupted—Calico wasn't sure if it was Zo's or Raikou's. She hadn't the time to find out.

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