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        “Wynter!” Daryl’s voice echoed through my ears and I groaned. I glanced around taking in my surroundings. I was in the truck. “How long was I out?” I asked. “A while. We set up camp.” Nodding I got out of the truck and held onto Daryl’s hand. I was greeted by my father. “Daryl caught an owl if you’re hungry.” Smiling I nodded and I went over to the fire. He sat down beside me, and I planted a kiss on his lips. “Thank you Daryl.” He just nodded and soon the group gathered around. Shivering I tugged my sweater closer to me. “You two are a lovely couple.” Alice smiled at us and we both stared at her. “Thanks.” I returned the smile. She continued to stir the soup she was cooking up and Hunter and Carl were playing slaps. Rolling my eyes I moved over to where they are sitting. “Are you guys seriously playing slaps?” Hunter glanced up then hit Carl’s hands. “Damn it!” He cursed. I gave him a warning look and he fixed his hat. “Why don’t we go wait for supper near the fire? Before you guys get your hands all bruised. Yeah?” They sighed but obeyed my order and walked over to the fire and sat down beside each other. They must be really damn bored if they’re playing slaps. April and Lucas were shivering so I went over to the car and grabbed them a blanket. Putting it on top of them they smiled appreciatively. My father put a log in the fire and ashes flew everywhere and the fire cackled and grew higher. “We should be safe here tonight.” Alice passed out bowls of soup and we took it gratefully. “If only we had bread.” Hunter said. “No but we have crackers.” Tossing her a bag of crackers she started crunching them up and they landed in her tomato soup.

            Alice had managed to have a couple bottles of wine. Daryl of course grabbed one and took a swig. We each poured ourselves a glass and then passed the bottle around. I took a sip and the wine burned my throat as it went down. I hadn’t had wine before, or did I? The days go by and I don’t even remember what month we are in or what the exact date is. The wine was actually somewhat satisfying and Samara, Glenn and Maggie downed theirs. My father was a bit more cautious with drinking since there was, Carl, Hunter, April Lucas and my baby sister around. Judith always slept like a log and Michonne and Carol both took turns taking care of her. My sister was probably about 1 and a half. I don’t even know if my twentieth birthday passed. I was about to pour another glass when Rick had a scolding look in your eyes. “Wynter I think that’s enough drinks.” I looked at him quizzically I only had one. “This will be my second glass.” I stated. “Yeah but you’re a lightweight. Like your mo-“He cut himself off but it was too late. Memories of my mother flooded through my mind. “Wynter I’m sorry-“I shook my head. “No it’s fine really.” He nodded slowly and shook his head. “What happened to your mother if you don’t mind me asking?” April asked. “April!” Her mother scolded. “I’m sorry she asked.” I shook my head. “No it’s all right. She uh passed away. In our prison home delivering Judith my sister.” April looked down and silence took over. “It’s best not to dwell on it. Anyway, are we going early in the morning or before dawn?” I turned my attention to Rick. “We should probably turn in for the night get a couple of hours in then hit the road. I don’t want us being in here in the day when the walkers are crawling everywhere.” Daryl got up; from the spot he was sitting. “I’ll take watch.” I stopped him. “Daryl you need sleep.” He glanced at me. “Nah I can take watch.” Rick stood up as well. “Daryl Wynter’s right I’ll take watch the rest of you get sleep.” Everyone turned in for the night. “Get sleep.” I told Daryl. “Since when are you in charge?” He questioned. “Since now. C’mon you need it you’ve been doing watch and driving for a couple days now. Trust me you need sleep.” Reluctantly he obeyed. “What are you doin?” He asked as I started walking away. “To keep watch with my father.” With that I walked away and approached my father.


                My father was deep in thought and stared off in the distance deep in thought. “Hey what are you doing up sleep you need it.” Shaking my head I wrapped my arms around him. “Dad shouldn’t you be asleep? You’ve been working so hard to keep this group together stabilized shouldn’t you maybe take a break?” he wrapped one arm around me and held me tight. “Get some sleep Wynter.” He kissed me on the top of my head like he always did when I was little. “How are you and Daryl?” He questioned a subject that came out of the blue. “Amazing.” I swooned, as my father cocked an eyebrow. Just by the look in hire eyes I knew he was asking a million questions in his head and I knew he was wanting to ask them. Have you uh.” He cleared his throat. “Oh my god No! I’m a virgin please just please switch the damn topic.” I said he chuckled. “Alright. Sorry.” He stayed quiet for a moment before starting up again. “Are you planning on….” He trailed off. “I don’t know… I mean…” He shook his head. “Let’s just pretend we never even talked about this yeah?” sighing in relief I looked up at him. “Stop worrying I mean don’t you like Daryl?” He stared into my eyes. “Wynter I trusted him with your life from the start. I believe he is a good man who can take care of you and will do what’s necessary to keep you and this group safe.” I grinned and embraced him again. “Well since the leader told me I had to sleep I must go to sleep.” He nodded and smiled and I walked away hopping into the truck we were sleeping in.

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