Chapter One- Introduction

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters, places, or creatures as of now. They all belong to the incredible J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series that basically made my childhood.

Author's Note: Hey there! This is my first story on Wattpad. I am a huge Dramione shipper, thus explaining my reasoning for writing this. I got tired of fanfictions where everything is super rushed and completely unedited, so I decided to make my own story. I hope you enjoy!


Every little thing she does is magic

Everything she does just turns me on

Even though my life before was tragic

Now I know my love for her goes on

~Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by The Police



That's all she felt.

Her head throbbed and she felt like she was about to puke out her guts.

She knew she was going to die.

Her heart ached at that fact. How would everyone manage without her? How could she leave Harry, Ron, Ginny, the Weasley's, her friends, and the rest of the wizarding world? How would HE deal with her passing?

Hermione. Get a grip on yourself. Clearly, he doesn't love you after all. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. He will probably laugh when you die from the torture, along with his father. You're just some silly little mudblood he used to pass the time.


Hermione was soon enveloped in pain once again, as Bellatrix Lestrange stood over her, cackling madly.

Don't make a sound. Do not show weakness. Don't scream. There's no one here to save you.

As the darkness started to overtake her, she greeted it like an old friend and let go.


Author's Note: So there is is! Part One. I wanted to dedicate this story to owlsarelovely because she has written the finest Dramione fanfiction I have ever read. Go listen to the song on the side! It's a cover of the song I'm using for my title, set to Dramione moments. So yeah, go watch! :)

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