Chapter Two- The Wedding

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, places, spells, beasts, etc., in this story as of now. They all belong to the incredible J.K. Rowling.


*Five Months Earlier*

"Ron, will you come here for a second?" called Hermione from her and Ginny's room.

As Ron walked in the room, he saw an angel. A beautiful angel with soft, silky brown curls, decadent chocolate eyes, and a perfect heart shaped face with a gorgeous grin. She wore a feathery knee-length red party dress that complimented her every curve. In other words, she was breathtaking.

"H-H-Hermione," he stuttered, "you look... Wow."

"Thanks Ron. You don't look too bad yourself," she said, winking. "Can you zip me up please?"

She turned around so her back was facing Ron. He walked over and zipped up her dress. "You look beautiful. Really, you do."

Blushing, Hermione spun around. As the two friends looked into each other's eyes, they, in sync, leaned forward. Their lips were about to touch when-  

"Has anyone seen my tie- oh, am I interrupting something here?" asked Harry Potter with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Hermione and Ron quickly pulled away from each other. "N-No, nothing's going on here. Your tie, you said? No, I haven't seen it. Sorry," said Ron quickly.

"M'kay, sure." Harry responded, not even bothering to hide his smirk. "See you guys downstairs. Bill and Fleur's wedding is about to start, so get a move on!"

"I-I-I'd better go get ready. Thanks for your help Ron, you know, with my dress and all." said Hermione as she scurried out of the room after Harry.

*****Later in the Evening*****

Bill and Fleur's wedding went on without a hitch. The bride looked stunning in her white dress with an intricate phoenix design, and the groom looked handsome in his tuxedo. At the afterparty, the speeches were made, the food was served, and then it was time for the dancing. Ron had been trying to work up the nerve to ask Hermione to dance all night, and he finally got up and was making his way over to her through the vast sea of people on the floor. As he opened his mouth to invite her to dance, a lynx patronus landed in the midst of the dancers and spoke in Kingsley's deep voice, "The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

Panic erupted as soon as the message was relayed completely. People started screaming, apparating, and running away as fast as they could as black columns of smoke appeared out of nowhere and jets of red and green light came shooting out of wands, thus signalling the arrival of Voldemort's Death Eaters. Harry, Ron, and Hermione converged in a corner, quickly grabbed each other's hands, and apparated to a side street in London.


"How could you FAIL?" Lord Voldemort screeched in anger. After his Death Eaters had come back to Malfoy Manor with no Harry Potter in tow, or any information as to where he might have gone, for that matter, he called a meeting with all of his followers. "We've had everything planned for WEEKS! We agreed that Harry Potter would be at his most vulnerable state whilst at this wedding! You all knew your duties! You, young Malfoy," he said, turning abrubtly to Draco, "what happened? How is it that Harry Potter is still alive? How is it that he got away?"

"I don't know, my lord. He was surrounded by witches and wizards who would have given up their lives for him-"

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL THEM? You know the spell! All I asked is for Harry Potter to be brought to me and his he here, now, writhing in pain? Is he, young Draco?"

"No, my lord."

"And why not?"

"Because- Because he was well protected and we, well, I, did not kill those in my way."

"Precisely. Your family has become a disgrace in my ranks, and you do nothing to appease me. You, whose family was once most highly regarded amongst my followers, failed me once again. So I set you this task- bring me Harry Potter. Bring him and any who would sacrifice themselves for him, including his little blood-traitor and mudblood friends, to me. Bring them to me, and your family shall live. Fail me again... Well, I think we all know what would happen then, don't we?" He gave a mirthless, evil laugh that the rest of the Death Eaters sitting around the table joined in. Bellatrix's cackle could be heard above the rest.

"Go now, young Malfoy. Bring me the boy."

*****Back to the Trio*****

"Well now what? Death Eaters are probably still following us-"

As Harry spoke, sure enough, three Death Eaters walked into the coffee shop they sat in and started to make their way over to their table. As they were in the presence of muggles, they couldn't do any magic in front of them without having to wipe their memories.

"I say we run for it. On the count of three, yes? One, two, three!"

The trio leapt up from their chairs and scrambled towards the exit, followed closely by the small group of Death Eaters. They lead them to an abandoned alleyway, out of the view of any muggles. The threesome whipped out their wands and began to fire spells over their shoulders as they ran. Jets of light flew from every wand. Finally, the small band of Death Eaters were lost behind Harry, Ron, and Hermione, so they stopped to catch their breaths.

"That was close," breathed Ron.

"Yeah, too close. We need to hide. But where?" replied Harry.

"Well isn't it obvious? We've got to go to Sirius's old place!" reasoned Ron.

"That's brilliant, Ron. That's actually a good idea."

"Always the tone of surprise, Hermione."


As the band of Death Eaters, led by none other than Draco Malfoy, lost sight of the trio and collapsed, panting, against an old brick wall, Draco's mind was invaded by an unwelcome guest.

"Thwarted again, Draco?" the voice of Voldemort taunted inside his mind. A ruthless laugh followed. "Bring me the boy. Or watch your mother and father die."


Author's Note: I hope you liked it! Hermione's dress was the one she wore in the film at the wedding, There's a picture of it on the side.

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