Chapter 3

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I yawned and stared at my alarm clock with a deathly stare.

I should think of a way to immediately smash this thing when I wake up.

I smacked it as I walked got out of bed and it stopped.

My body got dragged around the house as I did my usual morning routine: brush my teeth, take a shower, dress up, eat breakfast and out the house.

As I exited the apartment building's door, Josh's yellow car waiting outside for me made me recall Edward's striking yellow eyes.

"Naomi your nose is bleeding-" Josh said while rushing to my side.

"No, no I'm fine."I insisted as my cheeks grew hotter by the second.

Why is Edward in my head?

I pulled out a tissue and wiped away the blood.

"So who are you crushing on now?" Josh asked as he invited me into the car.

Of course he would know.

"Um no one?" I replied.

"Sureee..."he rolled his eyes and laughed.


As always, Mdm Brown the counter lady would tease me and Josh when I reach my company.


"This is the paper work you asked me to do yesterday, sir."I said as I dropped the pile of work Mr Moore, my boss has given me the day before.

He nods.

"There's a client looking for you, Naomi."he said before I left.


"Go look for yourself, will you? The person is at the lobby café. "

I sighed internally.

Can't you tell me just the gender?

I close the door to his office and made my way down.

I hope it's not Mr Yagisawa.


One look and I wanted to run.

Would you look at that, it's Mr Yagisawa!

I laughed with pity for myself.

I calmed my nerves and hid my annoyance.

"Good morning, Mr Yagisawa!" I greeted with the fakest yet real enthusiasm I could muster.

"Yes, morning Ms Li."he greeted back.

As I sat down opposite of him, he pulled a huge suitcase out and opened the lid.

"Kill him and you get all of these."

I looked at him in disgust.

"Listen, I don't care about money. I don't want to carry out a filthy mission to get filthy money."I hissed. I was done. As done as I could ever be.

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