Chapter 9

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Chapter nine


Though Baekhyun and Chanyeol weren't explicitly dating yet, Baekhyun was sure that to a certain extent, they were lovers. The next day would be the long awaited Valentine's Day for all couples, and Baekhyun wondered if the taller would prepare anything for him. He then stared at the slightly burnt and out of shape heart chocolate cookies on the table that he had attempted to bake for his soon to be boyfriend. It was an utter fail, but it tasted not too bad, edible for sure. Chanyeol was a blind pig, no doubt he would still cherish it and possibly never eat it at all for the sake of preservation. Baekhyun giggled at that likely thought.

Baekhyun took one last look at the neatly sealed box situated in the pretty pink paper bag before carrying it carefully as he walked into the school premises. Chanyeol was already at their usual waiting spot and upon noticing the smaller, his expression beamed so radiantly, Baekhyun couldn't resist smiling back at him. Jogging over, Chanyeol gave Baekhyun's hair a quick ruffle of affection.

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." He greeted and it took all of Baekhyun's willpower to not just squeal there and then.

"Happy Valentine's Day too, you giant pig." Baekhyun, being snobby as usual, meanly thrusted out the paper bag to Chanyeol, in which the confused boy silently accepted. Baekhyun watched with anticipation as Chanyeol carefully opened the paper bag and hold out the box of chocolate cookies.

"You baked this?"

Baekhyun nodded, but waved a hand around to brush it off. "It's no big deal, I just had a little free time last night so I decided to experiment around."

Nonetheless, Chanyeol's eyes glistened in adoration. "I love it so much, thank you! I don't think I can ever bear to eat it!" Well, Baekhyun already expected so. Chanyeol would love anything he made, even the ugliest and untastiest cookies.

"Hey Baekhyun, there's something in your hair." Chanyeol furrowed his thick eyebrows and cautiously reached out to Baekhyun's now recently dyed pink locks. With a quick swipe of a hand, he had whipped out a single white rose, from behind Baekhyun's ear. The smaller male was stupefied.

"What? Where did that come from?" Baekhyun gasped in awe, grabbing the rose from Chanyeol. He also noticed how all the thorns on the stalk were already cleared. Chanyeol then explained how he had spent a week perfecting the magic trick just for that moment. He's so cute! Baekhyun couldn't help but coo internally at Chanyeol's actions. His man had to be given a medal for the amount of effort he put in in perfecting his performance.

"Did you like my gift?" Chanyeol then asked, rather hopefully. Baekhyun wasn't going to give him the satisfaction just yet.

"Only a white rose and nothing else?"

Chanyeol grinned cheekily, revealing his pearly white teeth. "I got you some hershey kisses too. Eat them when you wanna get some kisses from me."

Baekhyun threw his head back in a hearty laugh, knowing that Chanyeol had probably spent a week to have memorised that line. "I was just joking, Chanyeol, I love your presents! Thank you for putting in so much effort for me."

"But I would have preferred a red rose, not gonna lie." Baekhyun added conveniently as they made their way to the classrooms, oblivious to the fall in Chanyeol's face. As they separated ways, Baekhyun turning down the corner for his other class, Chanyeol looked back to where a short and petite guy had been standing. Kyungsoo, with an unimpressed look, shook his head disapprovingly and Chanyeol glanced away.

Perhaps it still wasn't enough, and never would be, just like Kyungsoo said.


Hello guys le author here it's been so long since I updated!! I'll try to finish off this book asap!! (it'll have 20 chapters) so enjoy n wish me luck! do check out my other book EXO reunite and EXO era!!

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