Another Friend

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Nash's POV *

Hayes do u think that Sarah girl is cute? Little he replied. Hmmm what about that Julie chick?

She's cute Hayes says. Would u rather date Julie or Sarah? I say

I would rather date ummm.... Julie Hayes says. I'D rather date Sarah. I mean have u seen her beautiful brown eyes I say. Whatever Hayes says.

The next morning ←

Hayes POV *

I woke up early. I don't know why but I did. I couldn't fall asleep so I decide to go jogging. As I jog around I look at my phone it was only 6:30. I jogged until 7.

Sarah's POV *

I woke up and looked out the window. It was still dark outside. I Check my phone it was 6:55. I sat on the bed checking social media. I found Hayes on twitter so I followed him. Julie than woke up.

Julie's POV *

I had just woken up and I see Sarah on her phone. She shows me that she found Hayes twitter. I got on my phone and followed him. He followed back in a snap. I'm guessing Hayes is up I say to Sarah. Yeah I guess she replys.

We than had breakfast. We got changed it was already 10. We decided to go to the park. As we walked to the park we see Hayes walking back to his house.

Me: heyyy Hayes

SARAH: Hey hayessss

Hayes: Hey girls! Where yall goin?

Sarah: park

Hayes: Oh cool have fun

Me: Thanks

Hayes POV *

As I walk back to the house I saw Sarah and Julie. Sarah's eyes were soooo fudging pretty! Sarah just looks like the most beautiful girl in the world. They were heading to the park.

Julie's POV *

As we get to the park we see this girl. We walked up to her. She was on her phone sitting on a bench.

Julie: Hi I'm julie

Stranger: Hey I'm Sophia!

Sarah: hey im Sarah

Sophia: nice to meet u guys!

Sarah: you wanna hang with us!?

Sophia: yeahh sure

As hours passed the girls decided to leave! They gave each other their numbers to stay in contact! As they walk home Sarah and Julie found out that she lives down the street from them!

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