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once we got into her dressing room there was a table full of sweets and FOODDDDD!  Yassssss!  Ariana just stood there and laughed. Her dressing room was huge!  I could do like 50 back hand springs in here! Oh Yeah I did gymnastics since I was five! I ran and did a Ariel!  Than I did a back handspring!  Impressive Ariana said! Shawn was gonna perform soon so me and the girls are gonna play a little trick!  Once Shawn went on and started singing Life Of The Party me, Sarah, and sophia tipped toe behind him and everyone was screaming!  We had at least 2 cans of silly string each! We started spraying him like crazy! Than the three of us just did a whole load of flips!  Sarah and Sophia knew How to do flips too! Than we ran off the stage!  Ariana was laughing! We told Ariana that we had to go Before Shawn kills us!  We said our goodbyes and exchanged numbers! We went back to our hotel rooms and decided to play a trick on the boys! We knew that the boys were in Nash's room!  So we brought some silly strings and mask! Earlier Nash gave me a  key to his room! So we all got ready I opened there door slowly and we ran in and started spraying like crazy!  The boys all were screaming!!! We fell to the floor laughing!  Hayes came over and took off our mask! OF COURSE IT'S THE COUSIN! It looks like your not sad about Glenn anymore! Than my smile turns upside down and I feel tear drops running down my face. I get up and run to my room with the girls behind me. I sit in the corner and cry. The girls try to cheer me up but it didn't work I cried my self to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up and I got ready for a day of magcon. I haven't been there for a while. I shower and curl my hair. I wear a a light blue Crop top and a teal high waisted shorts.  I put on some light make up.  When I walked out the bathroom all the girls was ready. I put in my tie dye bandana.  Than we left for magcon!  Once we got there the boys were on the stage!  So we all just poked our heads out and all the girls were screaming! But the boys didn't know why! Oh we forgot to tell them we were coming. So Let's have some fun shall we! There were at least three marshmallow guns in the corner!  So we grabbed them and hide them behind our backs. We walked out on stage!  Hey you guys are mean you guys forgot about us! I say Well look guys the girls are back!  Matt says on the mic! We pull out our guns and start shooting! Hayes tried eating the marshmallows!  We all were laughing even the boys.  We than stopped shooting. They were all in the corner.  Whooo ten boys in a corner! Yeashhhh I said.  The audience started laughing. They all came out and Aron threw me over his shoulder.  He wouldn't let me go until I shoved a  marshmallow down his shirt! Than Hayes pushed me and my leg slipped and I fell off of stage head first! Than everything went black......

What will happen next?  So Who has heard the movie Expelled Cameron is in it so is Andrea Russet! Yasss I need to watch it!

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