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Chris and Madison spent the majority of their life together. No matter how many fights they got into, or no matter how many bumps they went through. They always loved each other, no matter what.

Madison was in her late eighties, a thing she never thought would happen. But, everyone around her had already died. Ten years prior, Andrew died due to stomach cancer that was very common in his family history. Jack died a couple years prior to that due to a fatal heart attack. And most importantly, just five years ago. She lost Chris.

It brought her back just plenty of years ago when her friend Nate had passed away. Chris had passed away due to complications of influenza. She thought about him everyday, she looked at their scrapbooks everyday.

Their children, Nate and Jane had become very successful. Jane had started her own fashion line called Madison & Evans, to honor her mother and her father of course. She had reached levels like Gucci and Dolce & Gabana.

Nate had decided to follow his father's route. He was mainly known for his acting in various films and then became a very well known director of many films. He was even nominated for an Oscar. Unfortunately, he didn't win. It's a once in a lifetime thing.

You maybe asking, what did Madison do after the band spilt up? Well! She decided going into acting due to Chris always telling her how an amazing actress she was. She would still write songs and sing once and awhile. But, acting gave her that sense of relief she hadn't felt in a long time.

But now, getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, getting inducted into the Academy Hall of Fame and plenty of other awards under her belt (let's not forget those two Grammys she won) she didn't think there was anything else for her.

She sat in a hospital bed, due to complications of rare cancer that she had been suffering for a year now. She didn't mind going. She had accomplished what she wanted. She got famous, she had the best children and she met the love of her life.

I guess you say, she lived that happy ending that everyone always wished upon. She knew after Chris had died, she knew that it wouldn't be too long until she saw him again.

"Are you alright, Mrs. Evans?" The nurse asked as she walked in to check on Madison before she went to bed. Her old eyes glanced to the young, perky blonde.

"Yes dear, I'm okay. Just getting tired." She replied softly. Her family knew she didn't have enough time and that was okay with them. They had spent every second of their time with her, almost everyday.

"Okay, you know where I will be." She asked as she turned off the light. "Goodnight Mrs. Evans,"


The door shut. Her eyes moved towards the moon which was dancing in her eyes. She took a deep breath, smiled and shut her eyes.

She knew it would be the last time she would shut her eyes. That was okay.

She always feared of death, especially when she was younger. But as she got older. She knew that she shouldn't be scared. It was starting another chapter.

Memories of her childhood and life flooded back in her brain, as it was ready to shut down. She had her heartbroken, multiple times. She had met the man of her dreams. She had a wonderful life and she wouldn't have traded it for any second.

Her eyes opened.

She was young again. Her eyes widened and a smile rose to her face as felt so freely. Her eyes looked around, as she saw large field, with dandelions everywhere. The sun was out, and the sky was blue as she had ever saw it.

"Madison!" A voice shouted. It was a voice she hadn't heard it almost sixty years.

She turned her head toward the sound. There stood her best friend. Her eyes welded up with tears as she realized, it was actually him. It really was him. His arms were crossed, and he had a goofy smile on his face.

"You don't see me for years and you're going to just stand there?" He yelled jokingly. She laughed through the tears as she started to run towards him. It was Nate. It actually was him.

Nate started running towards her, full on sprint. She jumped into his arms, in the tightest hug she had ever given anyone. Her legs wrapped around him. He held onto her, as if he was scared to lose his best friend all over again.

"Nate, it's you." She sobbed loudly into him. He sobbed as she held her. "Yeah, it's me. It's really me."

The wind blew as they held each other in that field. After a minute or so, she pulled away and looked up at him. He had that stupid grin that he always had. He had those rosy cheeks he had. "I'm sorry," They both said at the same time.

"Wait, why are you sorry?" Nate asked her as he wiped the tears from his face.

"I shouldn't have ever pushed you away. I always felt like it was my fault you died Nate." She cried. She hiccuped loudly, wiping her face. "I didn't forgive myself for the longest time."

"Hey, hey. You stop that." He told her, rubbing her shoulders. "You think you caused my death?"

"I always felt we ended on a bad note, before you died." She cried. "I will never forgive myself for that. Never, ever."

A small smile rose to his face. "You know. It was my fault." She raised her eyebrow.

"I never gave Chris the chance that he needed. I watched over you two and I saw how happy he made you. How he was your support system through all of that. Me dying wasn't your fault. And us not being good before I died was never, and I mean NEVER your fault. Do you understand?"

Madison was silent, before Nate looked at her. "It was never your fault. I also appreciate you named your son after me."

"Well, you were always my best friend. You've always been and it has never changed," She whispered.

"Hey! Look who it is!" She heard a familiar sound say. She looked over Nate, as he did as well and smiled as she saw Jack and Andrew.

"Hi boys," She sniffled as her and Nate went over to them and gave them all a huge hug. The band was back together. Here, in this beautiful place called heaven. Nothing bad will ever happen to them here. Until, she pulled away.

She looked the other direction and saw the love of her life, all young, holding a flower in his hand. "Hey sidekick. Did you miss me?" He joked.

A large smile rose through her face as Nate nudged her. "He hasn't shut up about you in the past five years. Go get him."

She smiled as she walked towards him. Chris was so alone, so alone without Madison here. Sure, he had the boys and his family & friends. But, he didn't have his wife. The one person he wanted.

She wrapped her arms around him, and his strong arms wrapped around her tiny body. "Hi my love," She whispered into him.

Warm tears ran down Chris' cheeks. "Hi darling, we're okay now."

She pulled away and held onto his hand. "Yeah, were all okay now."

She looked over at Nate and the boys, who had a huge smile on their faces. She looked back at Chris, "Just how I want it to be."

And it was all better, perfectly perfect. Right here in heaven, where she had the people she loved.

hi here's a bonus chapter bc i missed this story and i thought it was needed. hope you all enjoy :)

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