Chapter 3

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"I have an amazing idea!" Larry suddenly said, probably louder than he should have, considering it was already past midnight.
"And what's that? Get really drunk so we can hardly even speak and then spend the next three days throwing up?"
"No, but that sounds great," he chuckled lightly, "once we get our new house set up, we should invite all of our friends to stay the night, we don't have to worry about noise or anything, there will be no rules," Larry lay back onto his pillow.
"That would be amazing," Sally lay beside him and took off his mask, pushing it off the bed and onto the floor, luckily, the carpet beside Larry's bed stopped any damage from being inflicted to the mask.
Sally climbed under the covers with Larry and pulled them up to his neck, snuggling closer into Larry's side. It had been a while since he had slept over Larry's house and its brought back lots of memories. Larry's arm naturally snuck around Sally's waist and pulled him closer to him.
"Larry wake up!" Sally opened the curtains and let the sun glow through the window. The bright light hit Larry's face and caused him to cover his eyes with his forearm.
"Why are you awake this early?" He yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm excited to get home and arrange our new furniture," Sally stood next to Larry's bed, he was already fully dressed and was wearing his mask.
"Me too, but I didn't even know it was possible to be awake this early," Larry moaned and climbed out of bed, "I won't wake up this early for anyone else."
Sally felt his cheeks heat up under his mask, he was always so adorable, even when he wasn't even trying.
Larry took his t-shirt off and got changed into fresh clothes.
Once Larry was ready, they said goodbye to Lisa and drove back to their house, Larry unlocked the door and let them both inside.
"The furniture should be delivered anytime soon."
"I know, we should open what Lisa brought us while we wait," Sally went to fetch the bags. He returned with two brown bags and passed one to Larry.
"This is actually pretty heavy," he said while taking a seat on the floor, Sally sat beside him and emptied the bag onto the floor. Larry did the same, everything was wrapped neatly in white paper.
Larry picked up a package, inside was a small statue, it was simple, but would be nice for decoration. The next package contained some Sanity Falls figures, which Larry was really happy with. They carried on opening the packages, most of them were full of items to decorate the house with.
"Okay, last one," Larry picked up the last package, "do you want to open it?"
"No, you can open it," Sally smiled under his mask.
Inside the paper was a few Sanity Falls CDs which Larry could play in the car.
"Wow! These are the new ones as well, we can listen to them the next time we go for a drive," Larry said excitedly.
The doorbell rang and Larry went to answer it while Sally cleaned up the living room and put the gifts to the side. A few men came into the house, bringing in furniture and placing it where Larry told them to.
They brought in two white sofa's first and put them into the living room.
A few minutes later the house was fully stocked with furniture, Larry gave everyone a tip and thanked them all. The house was now full of things they needed and they only had to go out and buy food and some more decorations.
"It looks great in here now," Sally walked around the house and eventually ended up sitting on the sofa.
"I know, we picked out some good furniture," Larry went to sit beside him, but stopped halfway "I just remembered something!" He rushed outside to the car.
Sally waited in the living room until he came back in carrying a paper bag.
"I got you a gift," Larry proudly passed him the bag and Sally looked inside and pulled out a Sanity Falls hoodie. It was blue and had a light blue SF in the middle.
"I love it! Thank you!" Sally immediately pulled the hoodie over his head.
"I forgot to say, we have matching ones," Larry went into the bedroom and returned with another hoodie which was the same as Sally's, just a little bigger.
Sally stood up and spread his arms to his sides, Larry wrapped his arms around Sally's neck and brought him closer to him, kissing the top of his head. Sally closed his eyes and enjoyed the embrace.
"I love you, Sal."
"I love you too," Sally pulled away from the hug and unbuckled his mask, tossing it onto the sofa.
Larry raised his eyebrows and smirked.
Sally walked over to where Larry was standing and pecked him on the lips, Larry tangled his hand in the back of Sally's hair and deepened the kiss, they stayed like that for a while until Larry pulled away and brushed some hair out of his face.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Larry smirked and glanced over to where their bedroom was.
Sally followed his line of sight before muttering the words, "yes."

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