Chapter 17 EDITED

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Nathalie pov

So... Right now. I'm locked up inside Giovanni's bedroom. I'm handcuffed to his bed with two of his men standing outside of the door. I'm sure you're wondering. 'What the fuck happened? How'd you get there?' Well, let's go back to two hours ago.


"Are you going to tell me why there are finger marks around your neck and a scar on your thigh?" I was lying on her chest comfortably after the pounded he gave me. I had remained silent, not knowing where to start or how to start. In actuality, after seeing him and Olivia at the hospital, I forgot about my injuries.

I know I should tell him about Trent, but I could not simply ignore what his bitch of an ex-girlfriend said. She's pregnant with his kid. "Not before you tell me why the fuck she's carrying your child. You were messing around with her behind my back!" I told him as I got off of him. I went back into the shower, and he followed me. I quickly rinsed off, hoping out, dried off, and got dressed.

"I wasn't. It's not like that, and don't change the fucking subject. Who laid their hands you, Nathalie!?" He snapped back. He only managed to bring out my stubborn side.

"Oh! So, what? She magically got pregnant for you!? I'm s'posed to breeze over the fact that you fucked around with your ex. Boy, bye!" Reds suddenly laugh. It was not the contagious, sexy type of laugh. Nah. This was you done cross the line type of laugh. It was hard to explain because it held a totally different meaning behind it while it was sensual. Reds slowly sobered up, which—I gotta admit— scared the shit out of me. All the stubbornness I had in me; left like a bat straight out of hell.

"Nathalie, answer me right now. Who hurt you?" What was a woman to do when her man looked at her as if she was the most delicate flower, with a painful frown gracing his beautiful face. I'm sorry; was what I wanted to say. Is it me, or is a calm Giovanni a scary Giovanni? His words were so gentle, yet it felt like if I did not answer him, I would piss him off. I sat down on the bed, taking in a deep breath.

"I dated this guy years ago. I broke it off with him when he became overly abusive, possessive, and obsessed. One day he beat me up badly that I blacked out. I had awoken in a warehouse, naked, and handcuff to stairs. I felt discomfort, pain, and sore between my legs..." I couldn't finish. But I continue after a few short breaths. "It felt like hours went by when this mafia boss found me," I paused for a moment. The memories of that night flashed through my mind. I shook my head.

"He released me from my pathetic state and helped me get away from Trent. I moved from Jersey to here. It's been four years. He was out of my life, and I was happy," Now he's back and crazier than ever. I should have listened to my mother the first time around. She didn't like him from the first time she saw him. But I didn't listen.

"Anyway. I don't know why or how. But someone decided it would be a wise thing to let him out. He showed up at my apartment and attached. I only manage to get stabbed once before Ana, my neighbor, knocked on my door,"

"So?" Reds looked pensive for a second. "What I'm hearing is that we've known each other for what? 3 years? You what? Forgot to mention about your crazy ex? I mean, you talked my ears off about random shit, I told you about my ex. Now I'm looking at my woman with fingerprints around her neck and a stab wound on her thigh," He was standing in front of me. He held my chin between his left index and thumb finger. This moment was the first time I have seen his eyes void of emotions.

"Well... I-" He shook his head, cutting me off.

"What's his name?" I was afraid to answer him. I didn't want him to get hurt. Trent was crazy. He should have been declared unstable to enter society.

"Does it matter?" Reds gave me a 'don't-fuck-with-me-right-now' look. It made me gulp. "Trent Thomason," Reds made no reaction. He simply stared at me. In a blink of an eye hung over his shoulders as he ran for the door. I was confused and protested. I pounded on his back, but he ignored my punches. I was tossed in the back of his truck like a sack of potatoes. As he got in and drove away, he made a phone call speaking in a language I could not fully follow. While it sounded like Spanish, I'm pretty sure it was not.

Reds swerved in and out of lanes. What would have been a two-hour drive turned into an hour drive or less. That's how fucking fast he was driving.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF FLASHBACK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

SO! That pretty much sums up how I ended up handcuffed to his bed. "Reds! Let me the fuck out!" I tugged against the handcuffs for the millionth time. This was beginning to annoy me. Getting handcuffed with no pleasure is just wrong. I screamed and kicked against the bed. Reds opened the door and casually strolled in.

"I'm sorry your call could not be answered right now. Please try again later," Reds stood at the door, stuffing his face with —what smelt like— steak, rice, and mash potatoes.

"Reds! Let me go right now, or so help me! I will dial your mom's number!" Reds scoffed.

"How you gonna do that handcuffed to the bed and all," I screamed again, slumping down on the bed. Giovanni rolled his eyes, flopping down next to me. I'm surprised he didn't make a mess. And, would you know my nose was right.

He prompts himself up on one elbow while boringly stuffing his face. After he swallowed, he said, "Look, baby. You lost your freedom when you mention that Trent "The Cockroach" Thomason was your ex. There is a reason that fucker has that name. He's hard to kill; he always wears a bulletproof vest. I shot to the head is pointless because he has a steel plate in his head. To put it in short: A chain Nathalie is a safe Nathalie. Much safer than roaming the streets where he can get to you," He bit into his steak and finished his rice and potatoes. Was he seriously eating in front of me—greedy bastard.

The man eats like an animal, not that I'm complaining. "Now if I have to pee or shit. You seriously want me to shit and pee on your bed and myself? Not to mention I need to do my hair, shave, eat, and ran-"

"Fine! But you're still not leaving this house," I smiled triumphantly. Red uncuffed me, and I rubbed my wrists. Definitely not fun without pleasure. The first thing I did was take a soak in his tub. Once I was done, I threw on a tank top and leggings. I walked out, heading for the kitchen.

I was surprised to see the house coward with men. "Change" it was not a statement but a command coming from Reds. I rolled my eyes.

"You can't tell me what to wear," It's not like I was dress half-naked in front of his men. I took a plate out from his cupboard.

"Right," Reds stated. "Cool, cool, cool. It's either you change, or everyone in this house gets a bullet to the eye," Reds shrugged his shoulders, looking at his men, who looked at me helplessly. He's bluffing.

Reds picked up a gun and fired it. It grazed a blonde head boy, right near his ear. "Shit. Sorry," He held his hand to his chest. "It's a bit heavier and more powerful than I expected. But I got the hang of it now. Henk hold still let me tr-"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" My eyes were wide with shock. I cannot believe he actually tried to shoot one of his men. Crazy ass. After changing into baggy clothes. I got something to eat and returned to the room. I wondered how long I would have to stay coupled up here. But Reds wasn't wrong. Trent is a psycho. I wished I never dated him or met him.

Now my mafia man of a boyfriend is protecting me from my mentally deranged ex-boyfriend. Speaking of fucking ex's. Reds got some explaining to do!

Just want to thank you guys for giving my book a go. It's not the best but it's kind of, sort of entertaining. Either way, I thank you for giving my book a shot.

Now off to being an adult and hitting my bed at 930 at night. I'm old, mann. 

Hope you guys like this chapter. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting. Love you beautiful and handsome eager readers. xoxo

P.S. I don't know where "here" is. Just think of somewhere and go with that.

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