Chapter 1

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There's a knock at the front door. "Honey, will you get that? I'm finishing up with these boxes." My mom says from the kitchen. I run downstairs and open the door. I see a lady with a little girl on her hip. "Oh, hello! I'm Karen Wheeler, I'm your next door neighbor. Are your parents home?" She says. As if on cue my mom walks up behind me. "Oh, hi! I'm Karen Wheeler, I'm your next door neighbor." She holds up a tray of something, "I made cookies." She says. "Oh come in, come in." My mom says and opens the door wider. My mom puts her hand on my back. "Could you go put all the dishes in the cabinets for me?" She asks. I nod and go into the kitchen to do as she said. Karen and my mom talk about, y'know, mom stuff.

I walk back into the dining room after finishing with the dishes. "Oh, y/n, Mrs Wheeler says she has a son about your age. Why don't you go and talk to him?" My mom says. I nod as Karen points in the direction of her house, and I walk out the door.

Once I reach the Wheeler's front door I knock. A few seconds later a girl answers the door, looking a little annoyed. "Uh, hi?" She says. "Hi, I'm y/n, I live next door. Karen just came over and told me to come and meet her son." I say. "I'm Nancy. Mike's in the basement, but beware, he's in one of his moods." Nancy says and lets me into the house. I start to walk closer to the basement. "El? El? Are you there?" I hear. I walk down the stairs and knock on the wall as a sign that I'm there. I see Mike quickly puts away a walkie-talkie. "Who are you?" Mike asks. "I'm y/n, I'm your neighbor." I say. "Why're you even here?" Mike says angrily. "Uh, your mom actually told me to come here. If you don't want me here I'll gladly leave." I say and cross my arms as I lean against the wall. "Okay. Bye." Mike says and grabs his walkie-talkie again. "Bye I guess." I say and walk back home.

"Stay Away" Mike Wheeler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now