Chapter 2

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-a week later-

"Watch your back y/l/n. Watch your fucking back!" He screams

I wake up in a cold sweat. All of the things on my wall had fallen off and the lights were flickering. I sit up and try to calm myself for a second. I lift one hand in the air and all the paintings are brought back up and the flickering stops. I look down at my arm and see "012" Just looking at it makes me sick. I look at my bedside clock and see it's 6:30 am. Welp. Might as well get ready for school.
I walk into school and see a boy open his locker, causing a shit ton of papers to fall out. He kneeled down to pick the up and I went over to help him. The papers all had photos or drawings of zombies on them, and they all said something along the lines of "Zombie Boy." I pick a few papers up and hand them to him. "Zombie boy?" I ask. He sighs and crumbles up the papers. "It's just some stupid name everyone calls me, it's a long story." He says shutting his locker. "You'll have to tell me sometime, I'm y/n." I say. "Will." He says as the bell rings. "What's your first class?" He asks shoving the papers into the trash can. "Science, Mr Clark." I say. "Same, I'll show you the way." Will says.

Mr Clark waves me over to his desk as I walk into the class. Everyone settles into their seats, and Mr Clark clears his throat. "Alright everyone, we have a new student. Her name is y/n y/l/n." He says. I just wave. "Tell us a little bit about yourself y/n." Mr Clark says. "Well, I came from California, an-" Mr Clark interrupts me. "Well, that's great! We have a student here from California. Raise your hand Maxine." He says. "Max." A girl calls from the back and raises her hand. "Right, Max, well y/n why don't you go to the back and sit in between Max and Mike?" Mr Clark says. I nod and walk to the back.

"So, you're from Cali?" Max asks. I nod. "It's so beautiful over there." I say. "I know right! You should totally sit with me at lunch." Max says. "I definitely will." I say smiling. Mike shushes us and I slump in my chair
I grab my lunch tray and look for Max. I spot her waving me down. She's sitting with two boys I don't know along with Mike and Will. I go over to her and sit down. "Hey Max, hey Will." I say. "I see you've already met will." Max says. Will and I nod. She points at the boys. "This is Mike, Dustin, and Will." She says. "Hi." I say smiling. "Hey, can I have your pudding?" Dustin asks. I nod and reach across the table to hand it to him. "What's that on your arm?!" Mike asks and grabs my hand tightly. Everyone gasps as they see the tattoo. I pull my hand back. "Jeez, ever heard of personal space?" I ask. I grab my tray and I dump it on my way to the bathroom.

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