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"hi lucas!" i say as he walks up to us in the arcade. "hey y/n, hey max. is dustin or mike coming?" lucas asks. "not so sure about dustybun but mike should ." i say. as if in command mike walks through the door. "hi baby." he says walking up to me. i give him a quick kiss. dustin walks in and i hug him.

we play for a bit


"do you want to stay over again? it's so fun when you're around." max says. "sure!" i say. "my parents probably won't mind." max says. we walk home and talk about old jokes. "i think my parents are going to be gone again." max tells me. "great, billy's in charge." i say rolling my eyes. we hear billy's car in the distance. "he didn't say he was picking us up." max says confused. billy pulls over to us. "get the fuck in." he says rolling his eyes. we get in the car. "why the fuck did you walk home." billy asks. "because you didn't say you were coming to get us." i say. "was i talking to you?" billy asks looking back at me. i lean down in my seat. "jeez billy don't be so rude. and she's right you didn't say you were coming to get us" max says crossing her arms. "whatever, just don't go out at night and end up like that byers kid." billy says. "you know damn well that byers kid is our friend." i pipe up. "well if you couldn't already tell i don't really like max's friends." billy says snakily.

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