Section 2

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We walk through the woods with materials in our arms to fix up castle Byers. It's been a month since the small fight. We are almost to castle Byers when we hear a rustling in the woods. My head shoots up from the ground. Mike pushes me behind him. Will looks like he's trying to be strong but he's scared, really scared. A figure emerges from behind the trees. El. Mike drops his stuff and runs up to her. I step behind the group. Mike cups her scratched up cheeks in his hands and leans in. I drop my stuff and walk off before I see what's about to happen.
The next day
School. Yay. I haven't talked to the group since the "incident". Back to Troy it is.
I walked through the hall alone. I walked through the middle of the hall to make it known to the group that I wasn't with them. I looked over and saw Mike talking to El. Max locked eyes with me, she looked over at Mike and El. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Lucas.
She walked over to me. Will and Dustin following behind
Mike finally looks up and gives the group a confused look.
Max flipped him off as we walked off
I laughed
Max wrapped her arm around my shoulder
"Fück him you don't need him anyway." Max says.
"She has him first anyway I was just someone to fill the place that she left." I say
The bell rings
"English." I say to Max
She nods
We sit in our seats
Mike sits next to me
He gives me a confused look
I roll my eyes and look the other way

"Stay Away" Mike Wheeler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now