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El and Will moved about four months ago. There was a lot of tears that day, mine were only for Will. I really dislike El, if only you knew the times she hurt me with her powers.

All of the gang went up to Illinois, I stayed here , in Hawkins, because I didn't want to see El. Now thinking about it, that probably wasn't the best idea, Mike and El could be flirting. Max would call me though and tell me.

I knock on Troys door. He opens the door. "Hey y/n/n." Troy says. "Hey Troy." I say hugging him. "You're not with your losers?" He asks shutting the door behind us so we could walk around, they rebuilt Starcourt mall after what had happened. I hit him in the chest. "They aren't losers, and yes they're in Illinois." I tell him. "Why didn't you go with them?" He asks. "The person that they are seeing and I don't really have the best relationship." I say. He nods.

We walk to Starcourt. "Let's go to ScoopsAhoy." Troy says. I smile and nod knowing I'll see Steve and Robin. We walk in and I say hi to Robin. Steve comes out of the back and says hi. "Where's Mike, whose this?" Steve asks. "Mikes in Illinois with the rest of the gang, this is my bestfriend Troy." I say. Robin gives us free icecream and I thank her. "Have I good day!" I yell to them as we leave.

"Where's James?" I ask Troy. "Probably with his girlfriend they're always together now." Troy pouts. "Oh." I say. "Hey maybe you could spend the night tonight?" Troy says. I shrug and nod.


I walk over to Troys house and let myself in. "I'm here!" I yell. He turns on Breakfast Club and we watch movies for the rest of the night.

✨Max's POV✨

I don't really like Illinois, don't get me wrong I love seeing The Byers but I just can't stand Mike and El. I wish y/n was here, she would put and end to all this flirting. I quickly walk over to to the phone and call her. It rings a couple of times and then it hangs up. I leave a voicemail. "Hey y/n we have a code....um....a code your boyfriend is flirting with El and I'm going to do something about it." I say quietly.

I walk back into the living room. "Hey Mike, can I talk to you?" I ask sweetly. He looks confused but nods. He walks with me out to the hallway. "Y'know you have a girlfriend right? And you can't be flirting with El just because y/n isn't here right?" I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "I'm not flirting I'm just being friendly." Mike says. "Whatever I already left y/n a message have fun when we go back." I tell him sassily.

⚡️ No one's POV ⚡️

As Y/n walks into her house she realizes she has a missed call and a voicemail on her house phone. She clicked the button. "Hey y/n we have a code....um....a code your boyfriend is flirting with El and I'm going to do something about it." She hears Max say through the phone. She sighs. "I guess I finally have to use my powers." She thought to herself. She stood in the center of her living room and her body started to flicker, almost like a old staticky tv. Soon she was gone.

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