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no one commented on the interactive chapter, so i just searched stuff on google for "stuff to not ask a bisexual". some of these are more assumptions than questions, but I included them anyways.

1. Is it just a phase?

2. Are you more into guys or girls?

3. Is it a 50/50 split?
Tbh it fluctuates

4. Are you gonna marry a man or woman?
I'm open minded

5. You haven't dated anyone, how do you know?
Crushes and online quizzes. Also I've dated one female.

6. You're too young to know your sexuality
Unless it's straight, right? 13 y/o girl says she's straight and no problem, but if she's gay/bi/pan/ace/aro/poly/multi/anything else, it's all "wHoA tHeRe pArDnEr, yOuS a lIl yOuNg tO hAvE tHe gAe"

7. Will you have a threesome with us?
I would rather eat this phone that I'm writing this on.

8. You're more likely to cheat.
Can you say, "S T E R E O T Y P E S"?

9. Why don't you just date the opposite gender and be normal?
Normal people are boring.

10. Are you just trying to hide that you're gay?

11. Are you hitting on me?
Depends. Who are ya?

12. If you had to choose, who would you choose?
Idk. That's why there's a prefix "bi", meaning "two". I'm not fukin supposed to choose.

13. Bisexuality doesn't exist
Well excuse me. Please allow me to stop existing. I apologize for wasting your time with my trivial matters that didn't seem to exist in the first place. *disappears*

14. Are you offended by gay jokes?
Depends on the joke. If it's not too hurtful, and as long as you don't actually mean it, then a it's okay. But if it obviously crosses a line, then you probably shouldn't say it to people .

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