my dog

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so I have a dog. He's 4 years old, which is apparently around 28 in dog years. This is him.


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He's really jumpy around new people, but he never hurt anyone.

He was born to a litter of 12 puppies, with one sister who looks exactly like him.

You're probably wonder what this has to do with being bi... well...

I think he might be bi as well.


Lemme explain.

When he was little, we put him in a doggie daycare place for three days, since we were on vacation.

After we got back and went to pick him up, the workers there said that he had a girlfriend, who I'll call Lavender for privacy purpose.

Every time they were let out to play, our dog would want to play with Lavender. When she would play with another dog, he'd bark at them until they left Lavender alone so he could have her.

My brother and I SHIPPED IT.

And then a couple years later, we were at a dog park, and he was showing the same amount of affection to a male dog.

I was kind of alone in shipping it this time...

But anyways, that's my theory on why my dog is bi.

Of course, he could be pan, poly, gay but just thought he was straight, or straight and experimenting, but I support him no matter what.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

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