the gay trans panic defense

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⚠️tw: homophobia, transphobia, mentions of murder, attack, sexual assault, porn, me getting pissed ⚠️

i'm gonna copy from Wikipedia here because i can't explain things objectively

The gay panic defense is a legal strategy in which a defendant claims they acted in a state of violent, temporary insanity, committing assault or murder, because of unwanted same-sex sexual advances.[1] Broadly, a defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.[2]

Trans panic is a similar defense applied in cases of assault, manslaughter, or murder of a transgender individual, with whom the assailant(s) engaged in sexual relations unaware that the victim is transgender until seeing them naked, or further into or after sexual activity. As the trans panic defense may be due to homophobia in addition to transphobia, the defense may also be called the gay and trans panic defense or the LGBTQ+ panic defense.[2][3]

say it with me gays




so, basically, in 40 states, you can legally kill a gay/trans person out of "temporary insanity" or "self defense" because they might be hitting on you, or they're a sCaRy tRaNs pErSoN

i have several questions and MANY concerns. not to mention i'm pissed.

this is such bullshit. because anyone who LGBTQ+ and tells someone of the same sex that they're queer, it's immediately "are you into me." some straights (not all, allies are wonderful people and tysm) are so full of themselves that they immediately think you're into them. i along with many gays have experienced this. so, now they don't have to ask, they can just attack.

i'm not okay with this

states that have banned this act are: California, Illinois, Rhode Island, Nevada, Connecticut, Maine, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, and Washington.

the rest of the states are either working to get rid of that or aren't.

please stay safe out there, guys. this is an injustice.

but, in the meantime, questions

these are jokes mostly please don't be offended

why doesn't this apply to straights? if guys can kill guys that they think are flirting, can women kill the men that sexually assault them? no? why not? what's the difference?

okay that one kinda wasn't a joke ⬆️

can a gay attack another gay for hitting on them? because if there was like a shitty breakup, that could end badly.

what about a straight guy who dated a bi girl but it didn't work out? could he kill her for dumping him? because technically, there was a gay that flirted with him. or vice versa. bi guy and straight girl.

are ace aros safe? cuz they just typically don't flirt but they're part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and that's the group ppl allowed to attack. but you're not defending yourself from anything because ace aros typically don't flirt

ace aros please don't take offense to that ⬆️

what about porn? if a multisexual jerks off to straight porn one night, can the porn actors attack said multisexual?

what if you're a gay but you have a cardboard cutout of a straight celebrity of the same gender and you practice flirting on it? can the celebrity attack you? can the cardboard cutout attack you?

if i hit on a straight girl in indiana without realizing i was hitting on her and then she killed me, not because i'm bi but because i stole her eraser, but then she pulled this law out on the jury, would that be allowed if the motive wasn't already established?

if i'm from illinois and i hit on a straight girl from a different state, does it still count?

if a straight girl comes to illinois from Indiana, can she kill me for hitting on her?

is the jury gonna take my side or hers?

anygays have a gay day folks 🏳️‍🌈

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