First Date: "Let's Go"

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"Kakyoin, let's go out together."
The red haired man stumbles with his school supplies as he is packing up to leave school.
"Jotaro! What are you on about?", Kakyoin mumbles, even though he knows full well what he meant.
"Your confession a few days ago. I agreed to be your boyfriend, right? Let's go on a date."
Oh, yes. Kakyoin gave such a heartfelt and embarrassing confession, he nearly forgot he did so. Jotaro was moved by Kakyoin's feelings and accepted them right away. Kakyoin froze in place, blushing while the memory came back to him, when he felt a hand on his. Looking up, he sees its owner is none other than Jotaro's helpful Stand.
"Let Star Platinum grab your things for you. School is letting out late after all." Jotaro lends out his hand to hold while turning to face the door.
Kakyoin reaches out with a gentle grip and pulls himself to Jotaro's side. "Ah, sure! Let's go then!"

The two head out into town. It's on the cold side of a spring evening, but the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Kakyoin hand holding on tight keeps him warm as he also traces the details of Jotaro's hand. A gust of wind hits them and the trees scattering petals all over their uniforms. After laughing for a bit and dusting off each other's petals, Jotaro points out a small cafe.
"Let's have something to eat there. Looks pretty decent to me."
Upon entering, it appears to be a new bakery with lots of sweets. Kakyoin orders a Cordial Cherry Chocolate cake while Jotaro orders a small sandwich.
The two sit adjacent to each other by the cafe window as they watch the Sun come down. They both are enjoying their meal, but they have an awkward silence between them.
"Jotaro?" Kakyoin pipes up.
"How is your sandwich?"
"It's ok. Not bad enough to leave over, at least"
"Oh," Kakyoin says, sensing Jotaro's indifference. "I know you don't usually like sweets, so I'm sorry you had to get something so bland!"
"It's alright Kakyoin. I'm on this date with you, not this sandwich. So, this is fine."
Kakyoin blushes heavily and lets out a chuckle. "I didn't make you out to be a flirter, Jotaro!"
"I've never done this kind of thing before. I'm glad you think I'm good at it." Jotaro mentions as he takes another bite of his food.
"Wait, then... I'm your first date?"
"Yeah, is that bad?"
"Ah, no! It's just..." Kakyoin never had much luck with women, but he knew they flocked at the sign of Jotaro. To know out of all of them, Jotaro picked him, Kakyoin's heart could barely take it.
"That makes me happy!" He says with a grin.
Jotaro sends a faint one back at him and picks up the other half of his sandwich. He holds it out toward his boyfriends mouth.
"Here, do you want a bite? Might help wash down all that chocolate."
Kakyoin reaches up his hand to take the half, but Jotaro pulls his hand back. Kakyoin let's put another chuckle and leans his head forward instead. Jotaro puts the sandwich back and let's Kakyoin take a bite. He's so cute! They both think to theirselves.

The conversations and flirting continue into the night. Eventually, the two start heading home. Kakyoin's house managed to be on the way to Jotaro's, so they walked together under the streetlights. It gets colder every minute so now they move slower and are huddled closer together than before. They round the corner to reach the house.
"Thank you for tonight and the cake, Jotaro!"
"Don't mention it, it's my treat." The tall man replies with a grin. "Head on inside, it's cold out here."
"Alright then, Goodnight Jotaro!"
"Night, Kakyoin."
As Jotaro turns around to head home, he notices that he doesn't hear the front gate open. Instead a small mumble comes from Kakyoin.
"I..." Jotaro stops in his tracks.
"I love you..." Kakyoin squeaks out.
Jotaro keeps his back turned away, not yet wanting to let Kakyoin see the large blush on his face. Star Platinum:The World Jotaro whispers to stop time. He bolts back over to where Kakyoin is standing. Without hesitation, he takes his smaller boyfriend into his arms putting his head past his shoulders. Time resumes and Kakyoin finds himself in instant warmth.
"I love you too, Kakyoin"

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