Roadtrip: To the Sea

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The Sun gleams bright against the passenger side of a car heading down the road. The two men in the car are heading on a stay-cation to a private beach that the driver's grandfather had purchased as a wedding gift. The passenger stares out of the window, eyes tracing the rolling waves as they drive along the coast. His hand is also reaching over the dash, entangled with his handsome husbands.
"Kakyoin", the driver perks up. "Are you sure it's ok that we're going to the beach again?"
The redhead turns to face his Jotaro and gives his hand a good squeeze.
"Of course! I know how much you like our beach! Mr. Joestar picked out a great place for you to find your samples for school as well as a wonderful view of the ocean."
"Sure, but you've never picked out a place for us to go other than our honeymoon. I don't want to be taking us places just for me."
Kakyoin takes his free hand and puts it on Jotaro's shoulder. "After our excursion with DIO, there isn't really anywhere else I'd like to go. However, any place I go with you, far or near, is always special to me!"
Jotaro blushes with a hint of a smile as Kakyoin leans in for a peck on the cheek.
"Good grief, you sound like a romance troupe"
"Well, I am YOUR romance troupe, at least!"
Jotaro lets go of Kakyoin's hand to reach around his shoulders and pull him close. He then reaches his hand up to rustle his cute husbands hair.
"Yes, you are! Now let me get us to this beach."
Keeping his eyes on the road, he pulls Kakyoin's close for a small forehead kiss.
"I can't wait!" Kakyoin giggles as he retakes Jotaro's hand in his.

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