Fashion: Looking Mature

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"Please thank Mr. Joestar for me when you are able!", an excited Kakyoin exclaims.
"He said not to worry about it. 'Consider it my gift of companionship and compensation for your help with our family matters', he said. " replies an equally excited Jotaro.
"It's almost time to graduate, so this money will be perfect for some new summer clothes!"
"I was just gonna pocket my share, but I think I'll do the same. Great idea, Kakyoin."
"Why don't we go on a shopping date tomorrow? There's always good deals on the weekends!"
"Hehe", Jotaro chuckles, loving the idea of any kind of date with his boyfriend, "Sounds good to me. Meet here at my place for lunch, then we go?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect! This will be fun!" Kakyoin says reaching up to Jotaro for a quick kiss. "See you tomorrow, then!" Kakyoin says as he starts on his way home.
"See ya." Jotaro waves goodbye.


"Let's stop in here! This looks like it's got stuff in your size!" The date is going well so far except for the fact that Jotaro hasn't been able to find clothes that fit him.
"We can, but this will be it for me. I'm shopped out", The tall man replies, carrying many outfits that Kakyoin had purchased already.
"I'm sure of this place! I have a good feeling about it!"
The store looks expensive, but Jotaro is used to it given his 20,000 yen pants so he starts to look around with Kakyoin. Instead of the normal routine of starting at the front. Kakyoin drags Jotaro to the back where the fitting rooms are.
"Jotaro, since you have my bags, you wait here! I got your measurements with Hierophant Green earlier, so let me pick you out an outfit while you rest here?"
"Alright, don't be gone too long or I'll miss you." Jotaro winks at his BF. Kakyoin blushes in response.
"I won't then! I'll be quick!" He says disappearing behind some racks. Jotaro starts daydreaming about one of the outfits Kakyoin purchased earlier that day. A nice dark green fitted shirt with tan pants, cherry patterned suspenders, and a black leather belt was one of the cutest things he had seen Kakyoin wear. Another outfit he liked was a black turtleneck with green pants and a long cherry necklace was also fitting for when winter comes. Before long, Kakyoin brings back an outfit for Jotaro to try.
Kakyoin now sitting with the bags waits patiently to see how Jotaro looks. Every time Kakyoin came out in an outfit, the look he saw on Jotaro's face was priceless every time! He wanted to make sure Jotaro knew he looked good as well. The room door finally opens to reveal a dark blue shirt with a light green polo under it, paired with white pants and Jotaro's signature two belts. Kakyoin's heart practically jumped out onto the floor with how handsome and mature his boyfriend looked. Jotaro even took off his hat since it would clash with the white.
"So, should I take it?" Jotaro asks.
"Yeah, you look real good, Jotaro!"

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