Crossover: T-Bird Love

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This is a crossover with the musical Grease, where the Stardust Crusaders are the T-Birds

"It seems you've taken a liking to this car, Jotaro!" Kakyoin announces as he walks into the garage.
"It's not bad, for once." Jotaro pipes up from under the hood. The engine intake is off from Jotaro checking the spark plugs. "Since you're here, can you use Hierophant to check through the pipes for leaks?"
"Ah, good idea! I can do that." Our favorite melon colored stand emerges from the greaser and swarms through the open pipes. Kakyoin concentrates as he carefully checks each exhaust pipe.
"I'm glad we met on that beach, Kakyoin."
"What was that, sorry!" Kakyoin says startled at Jotaro's comment. He goes ahead and brings Hierophant Green out of the exhaust pipes.
"I don't think I would've stayed with these guys for much longer if you hadn't joined us."
"Why would that be?"
"I never talk all that much to people, even our guys. I would just follow behind just to avoid conversation. You are the only person I've ever felt like talking to."
"I... I think I get what you mean." Kakyoin stumbles with his words. "If I hadn't met you on that beach, I don't think I would've made any friends when school started. It would be just like the last school..."
Jotaro wipes the engine grease off his hands and pulls Kakyoin in for a hug.
"Hey, don't worry about that old stuff. You've got me now, right? I know how hard you kick yourself about that stuff."
"You're right, thank you." Kakyoin chokes out, emotional from both the coldness he felt at the precious schools mixed with the warmth of Jotaro's kind heart. The two separate from their hug, but continue to hold each other's waists. "The exhaust pipes looked good to me! Think we can get her moving by tonight?"
"Those pipes were the last thing I needed to check. Get this manifold on and gas her up, should be good to go."
"Amazing as always, Jotaro!"
"Heh, thanks Kakyoin!"

Slightly less fluffy EXTRA:
"It kinda sucks Polnareff dumped this car on you just to take it back when you were done." Kakyoin says as they watch the rest of the gang driving around in the "Silver Chariot".
"He was the one who bought it. He did said I can use it whenever he isn't."
"Ah, that's not too bad then!"
"He's calling it his new 'pussy wagon', but we could always change that. Right, Kakyoin?"
Jotaro winks at his cute boyfriend who's gone redder than his own hair.
"Y...You!" Kakyoin stumbles out and tries to tackle Jotaro. The bigger man blocks him quickly and pulls Kakyoin into a full French kiss backed by the sunset.
"HEY! Are you lovebirds done up there or are we leaving you here for the night?" Polnareff calls from the car. Avdol and Joseph are also staring up at them holding back laughter from "catching them in the act".
"Fine, we're coming." Jotaro shouts back, leading his even more embarrassed than before  cherry boy behind him.

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