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"Mom what the hell I'm a adult!"I yell down the stairs. "No you are not Faron other wise I wouldn't have to get you one. Now stop yelling and deal with it."

This is totally not fair at all! My moms making get a 'babysitter' because I got caught smoking with a few friends last week.

She made me stay in fucking jail for a whole day as punishment so why the fuck do I need someone looking after me.

"Your only doing with because you dont trust me." I say as I cross my arms because it pisses her off. "Yes, I dont trust you and I probably wont for a long time. But if you do good with them then maybe I'll let you go to Sara's party."

"Ok fine but this person better be a hot hoe. Like big everything ma' I dont want some ugly rat watching me."

"Well you will see when they get here. I will be back around um 12am but if I'm not, mama got lucky." She said nudging me with her elbow.

"Ew mom shut up" I said rolling my eyes. The doorbell rang, I walk over to answer and was met with a very tall man.

Maybe 18 or 20 he had brown eyes and looked like your everyday boy next door.

"Mom your dates here!" I yelled to my mom who was getting ready in her room. "Your funny kid but I'm not your moms date I'm yours" the dude said stepping in.

"Wh-what no this is your sitter, Luke. now be nice." My mom said walking away.

We sat down on the couch "So tell me about yourself Luke. I want to know the person thats goimg to be watching my every move."

"Alright I'm a Junior in high school. I play basketball and I'm pretty chill unless your a dick then I'll be a dick." He said as he laughed.

"Hmm wh-" I was rudely interpreted by my mom "oo my dates here bye guys be good and dont kill anyone."

As she left Luke got up and watched as the car outside left. "Alright so what do you want to do."

"I'm going out with some friends I'll be back at 11 or something but if I'm not do-" once agian rudely interrupted. "Nah I don't think that's happening but what I do know is that your going to sit your ass down and watch a movie with me." He said searching for a movie.

Wow he wasn't joking 'if I'm a dick he'll be a huge dick' "I like horror movies" I said laying on the couch "Ok good me to but I feel like I've watched everything."

After about 3 movies he was out. It was about 1:30am so my mom got 'lucky' and so was I.

I got up and walked over to my phone and jacket. I was about to leave when I much bigger hand landed on mine. "Now, now is the little rabbit running from the big bad wolf?" He said in my ear.

"N-no i-i needed to get the mail." Why am I stuttering I never do that. "That's to bad I think I'm going to have to punish the rabbit~" he flung me to the couch and pinned me down.

"What t-the hell are you doing aren't you supposed to me talking care of me!?" I said shaking. What if this dude is a murderer and I die! No bitch no.

"Dont worry it wont hurt at all. I'm not a killer..but that is what a killer would say~" his voice sounded so calming but the situation was not.

He had his knee between my thighs and had both my hands above my head.

He didn't move, you kept staring at me.. "c'mon bro, get off I'm sorry for trying to get out. I'll go to sleep and my ma probably wont be back so you can just leave." I said

Still he didnt move, I was getting irritated.. I mean some dude just comes in my house forcing me to watch stupid movies, and now hes on top of me.

"I'll let you go, but you better be good." He said but he still never moved

"Uh can you move, your hurting my hands." I said trying to move. " well.. if you want to go so bad then make me get off..or.. can you not?"

"Wh- ok uh but can you just move a little" he didnt, just kept staring at me..

I tried getting out moving my feet, didnt work, I tried lifting my arms up, didnt work, everything I did wouldn't work.. this man wouldn't budge

"U-uhg I c-cant" I said out of breath. "Ah.. that's to bad" he said as he pouted.

"Fuck you dude I dont know what your trying to do but I won't leave.. I'm tired anyway now get the fuck off!"

"Ok I'll move, under one condition.. you have to kiss me" he said smirking.  "What! No that's fucking gay and I'm not"

"Fine well im getting bored so I'll just do it for you" he said. He slowly moved closer to my face, I could feel him breathing.. then my door swung open.

It was my bitch ass mom, Luke left a small kiss on my lips and got up and left..

It was Wednesday night, I couldn't sleep.. all I thought about was that piece of shit Luck.. that fucker made me feel shit a man should never feel.. fuck him! But.. he made me feel different.. ugh but fuck him.

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