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"Oh shit!" I yelled as I fell down my apartment stairs. "Cant be late! Cant be!!!" I ran out and tried to grab a taxi. Of course it took forever but one pulled up. "Mr. Milo building please"

The drivers eyes widened then he proceeded to drive. Ah.. Mr. Milo. Working for him came with its pros and cons. I was respected if someone knew I was associated with him.

But some try to make me meet him, buy them expensive things, get  them a job ect.

I am Mr. Milos assistant. I run his errands outside of the office. Getting coffee, shopping, meeting people.. blag blah.

"Your stop sir" the drive said. "Oh thanks, have a nice day." I said hopping out. I slightly ran to the door. "Morning Ashley, what's on the list for today?" Ashley's the front office women, and she hates me so I kill her with kindness.

She sighs in annoyance and hands me a suprising short list.

1. Grab mixed hot coco w/ black coffee x caramel whipped cream
2. New ties (dark red)
3. Come to my office

Wait huh!? "Do you know why he wants me in his office.." I asked Ashley.

Her eyes shot up and snatched the paper out of my hand. "What does he need you! Ugh probably to fire you," I heard her mumble under her breath.

"This makes no sense at all. It was most likely a mistake so you dont need to go up. Now carrying on and get out."

"Alrighty have an awesome day Ashley!" I said waving, she rolled her eyes. She used to be a happy girl, up untill a few months back.

At the time I worked for Mr. Milos sister. I've heard that she told everyone about her feelings for him and that she was going to confess.

She had the job that I had now, but mr. Milo had made her a key for his office because he would have her run errands up in the office. She would sneak her way in and she was caught.

She tried to cover herself and confessed her love to him. He declined and every scene that day shes been sour to anyone who's close to him.

I grabbed his odd mixture he calls his "special coffeee" and headed to the mens outfit store.

It's only my 3 month of working and I already messed up 32 times. Now he hasn't noticed, it's only things that I know I've done wrong. Like not getting his coffee last so itll still be hot when I return.

I purchased his few ties and knew that the dark blood red would look so good on him with a coal black suit.

I hoped in another taxi and made my way back. I entered and sprinted to the coffee warmer and unpacked his ties.

Usually I'm packed with various things to do and I run up to his floor to give the things hes asked for. But I've never been in his office.

It was a bit uncomfortable sitting there. Amanda asked me what I needed and I handed her the note.

She gave me worried but sweet eyes and asked me to wait as she called mr. Milos.

We both knew that me being there was odd. I've never met him. I worked for him for many years. Back in California, his sister lived there and she would vIsit and thats how we became good friends.

Of course he would come to see how his business was doing. But he watched from the high while I was below. Amanda opened the door to a long dark grey hallway that had a dark reddish brown door at the end.

I squeeze my already sweaty hand together and made my wat down the hall.

I knocked 3 times and the door flew open revelling a sweaty half naked mr. Milos.

"Come in, excuse my appearance I've just finished my morning workout." He said walking into his bathroom.

No wonder why no one ever sees this man.. he never needs to leave this damn place. He had a good size fridge, bathroom, 2 large sofas, and a flat screen tv.

"W-why the long list? Usally you have me running for hours?" I asked looking down.

I'm not a shy person but it's a bit scary speaking to you top boss, exactly when he looks like Chris Pine and Hulk.

"Oh," he said with a chuckle "Yeah I wanted to talk to you about something."

My stomach tightened as he spoke. "O-ok"
"Your a good friends of my sister right. And it gets boring and lonely up here. And you probably already heard the story of Ashley,

But I think I could maybe trust you. So how would you like to work up here next to me?" He said putting a grey suit on.

"Sir i-" "dont worry I wont be breathing down you neck watching your every move"

"Um.. ok that'd be fine" with a smile. He nodded and went back to himself. Omg.. wth! This is so cool!

I can work by this sexy beast for 8 hours!! Wait what did I just say!?

"Oh um sir i have your ties.. I really like the colors and I think it'll look real good on you with maybe a black suit." I said placing the boxes on his huge desk.

"Oh you do? Hmm.. that does sound like a good idea. Hey! I've got a dinner to go to later and you should come. I'll wear that outfit.."

"Oh yes sir.." I said staring "yes sir?" He asked tilting his head. "H-huh oh um yes I'd ok yeah sure I'll go thanks.."

Fuck..what did I just do?

(AHHH IM SORRY FOR DIYING! Butt I'm really going to try and write more. And I swear this story is going to get better soon.)

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