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"Ok..so you have never ever fucking kissed anyone." My roommate said. "Yeah, I know its lame but I really dont know what to do shes already getting ready." I said

I didnt know who else to ask because my roommate apparently is the best kisser on campus. It's just a rumor but still I cant go up to people asking if they could teach me how to kiss.

"Alright shorty so what do you wanna do with her? I can tell you how to kiss, make out, were to touch and how, and more things..if you wanna go that far with her." He said.

"Um i-i want to know everything..if that's ok." I've never been on a date before or had a gf obviously so I'm new.

"Ok come over here" he said motioning me to next to him. I moved over to his bed and sat next to him.

"Alright so we will use your hand. So hold your hand up but dont kiss it yet. You look in their eyes then lips and then go for it. Unless you want to have sex tonight then just attack.

So put your lips out a bit then gently place them on your hand. You can kiss the bottom or top lip or both." He said demonstrating on his hand.

"Okay so like this..wait do I say anything?" "You can but I wouldn't if I were you" I didnt respond I just gave him a 'what you mean' look.

"Because you stuttering and say weird things when you're under pressure..I just dont want you to make a fool of yourself on your first date"

I nodded and put my hand up to my face. I looked forward and lightly placed my lips on my hand. It didnt feel weird but it also didnt feel nice either.

"Why doesn't it feel good?" I asked he smiled and said "because silly it's your hand but if you do it right it will feel so good. And close you eyes and turn your head."

I closed my eyes and kissed my hand and still didnt feel anything. "I want to know what its going to feel like." I said.

"Here kiss my hand and I'll kiss yours so you can feel it." He said putting his massive hand in my face. "W-what ok um d-dont watch me..and be truthful." "Will do.."

I grabbed his hand and gently kissed it. "Mhh not to bad but maybe do it with a little more force."

I handed him my hand. My hand obviously smaller then him. It kinda sucked being his roommate because people always compared us.

I'm short hes supper tall, I look like a stick he looks like he could flick you and you would die. Hes popular and I'm a nobody.

He held my hand for a moment then placed the most perfect kiss ever on my hand. It felt like tiny feathers.

"W-wow that was amazing. How did you do that it felt so nice." I said. "Just practice I guess. I've kissed many people before some good and some very bad, but I picked up things from the good kisses.

I nodded and got up only to be pulled back down. "Were do you think your going we still need to practice."

"I think I got it and I dont want her to be the first there." He gave me a weird face that I've never seen before. It also looked like a sad puppy.

"W-what are you ok?" I asked. He didnt say anything so I poked him. He grabbed my hand and didn't let go. "D-dude what are you doing? I need to go."

"I-i cant have you leave Alez" he said looking away. "What why?" I asked. He turned to me and grabbed my jaw.

He looked me straight in the eyes then my lips. He moved his head forward and tilted it a bit. He placed the same beautiful kiss on my lips.

He pulled back and looked at me. I didnt know what to say or do. My fucking roommate just kissed me.

"I'm sorry..I've liked you ever since you walked through the dorm doors. I just couldn't see you leave..and I hate that your going to see a girl.

His words hurt for some reason. I didn't think he would have feelings for me..or that when he kissed me it felt like the best thing in the world.

"I-i dont know what to say..but I dont want to leave." Wait what the hell did I just say!

"Then dont" he said. "Ok".

He smashed his lips onto mine and I let out a gasp. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and nearly made me gag.

"Ive wanted to do this for do long.." he said as his hot breath hit my skin. I didnt know what to do, I let him take the lead.

He moved from my lips to my jaw, then my neck.., and finally to my chest.

As soon as he placed his tongue on my  nippils I swear I could of just cum. I didnt know I was so sensitive.. I let out noises that came from the bottom of my soul. I could see him smirking at my reaction.

He grabbed his package and groaned.."uh.. fuck, I need you.."

"Then take me.." I said holding back my tears. He looked at me confused and shocked at what I had said.

He wiped it out and nearly ripped off my pants.. i wouldn't of tried so had to look nice just to get it all off.

He flipped me over and ran his hand down my back, he grabbed the lube under his bad and put some on his hand.

"This might hurt but just work with me.. ok?" I didnt say anything. He slowly put one finger in.. then another.

It felt gross.. I didnt like it and I was about to question if he knew what he was doing until he hit the right spot, I let out a sudden cry.

He stopped for a second then moved in and out over and over.. he finally put the real thing in.

It hurt but I didnt care.. the next morning I woke up next to a boy I thought I'd never be able to become friends with and 1m text from the girl I might of accidentally forgot to message last night.

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