Bus Ride

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As usual i was the last one to get on the bus. Lucky Lea saved me a spot. Me and Lea have been friends for over 7 years so i gusse you could say were bffs.

She sat at the back of the bus patting the space next to her. I walked over trying my best to avoid tripping over people's shoes.

"Hey did you see my post i tagged you in?" She asked. I pulled out my phone and saw a picture of us when we were younger pretending to be married.

"Isn't that cute we should re create that some day" she said shoving my arm. I smirked. Shes always been flirty but i never take it personally.

"Why are you so quiet today? Did someone bully you? Who?! ill beat them up i swear" she said. I looked away, "no im alright, today has just been hard i guess" i said fidgeting with my shoe laces.

She bit her lip "well i know what can make you fell better" i turned to her and gave her a look "yeahhh theres a party tomorrow and i know, i know you hate them but this time i wont leave you alone, ok?" She said.

I rolled my eyes "i dont know i have lots of homework to do" i said. She grabbed my face "c'mon Tay it will be fun" she said.


Finally we made it to my stop, we sat in awkward silence for most of the way.

Parties have never really been my thing

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Parties have never really been my thing. I mean I'm the weird quiet nerdy boy thats plays football at school. you would think that since I'm off football player more people would like me. It's not that hard to assume that I don't like parties.

"Sweet I have a question" my mom said as she entered my room. "Mom I told you to knock!" I said. She rolled her eyes "Anyways you know Thomas Harris? Well I heard he's throwing a party tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go?" She asked

I said nothing, "hun come on this is your last year of high school I want you to have some fun, you know me and his mom are really close friends." She said standing by my bed .

My mom and Toms mom have been close since middle school. You think that me and Thomas would be best buds but you'd be wrong. After high School Thomas's Mom married a doctor and they moved to the Richy neighborhood.

They always make us play as kids and now when my mom forces me to go over there it's always so awkward. Who's your average jock who's popular i mean c'mon his name is Thomas.

"Well i hope you make your mind up, hey you can even bring that lea girl you've been hanging out with. Why dont you bring her over more often? Shes a real lovely girl." She winked and closed my door.

I fell back and sighed. I've never been interested in anyone I mean yeah I've had little crushes here and there but who hasn't?

Most people try their best to avoid me so my luck with relationships isn't that big. And not to help, half my school thinks I'm gay.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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