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Ok ok calm down Edwin.. I'll do great! And I'll get the part! Yes.. that's what's going to happen. I kept repeating in my head as I headed to the cafeteria.

I sat at my usual table and laid my food out. I wasn't in the mood to eat..hell I wasn't even hungry.

All I could think about was the auditions. My school finally
started a theater club and are opening auditions for a play.

As soon as I heard about the play I've been practicing the parts as many times as possible. I was going for the role of Jasper the prince or King Sd.

I would love to get one of those parts. Like imagine me as mr. Almighty giving people orders, or saving the beautiful princess.

My school is full of stupid meat heads.. and hot ass girls. I am invisible in this hell hole. I dont play sports and I dont have muscle as big as your head.. I'm just me.

Theres nothing special about me like the other people in the school. Even the teachers are more popular than me! Mrs. Goldwin is known for going to world championships for tennis.

And Mr. Trae is known for taking a bear down with his bare hands, now hes the wrestling coach. And Mrs. Sara had a rumor about doing porn.

The auditions were after lunch, and that was another reason why I wouldn't be eating. I've always had trouble being in front of others.

It might not be true but a few times when my classes we made presentation and I was never called up to present. Maybe my teacher forgot to call me.. or they just forgot about me.

So I need to get a lead roll.. I dont want to be a nobody anymore! I will be known as a prince or a Kin-

"Oh shit! Sorry bout that man!" Someone said. I felt warm thick liquid dripping from the top of my head.

I remember that today was baked beans. A few napkins were placed on the table, I looked up and saw all the eyes staring back at me.

WELL FUCK! some dip shit spilled their baked fucking beans on me!

I grabbed the napkins and started rubbing them off. "Hey! Kid dont flop them on the floor do it over the trash!" Mr. Gus yelled.

After I was finished cleaning the beans off I headed to the bathroom. I went to the old grosse one. No one ever used this bathroom unless in was to give head, or if the girls needed to shit, and the perfects do drugs in here too.

I use it to get away from those useless fuckers. Luckily the beans didnt leave a stain. I had about 10 or so minutes before they started.

I began reading over the lines.. they aloud you to use it but I wanted to show them that I didnt need to.

The music teacher and a few other kids would be the ones that were going to watch and choose.

Ok 6 minutes.. I read over them one more time then headed to the gym. I opened the doors.. holly shit.. there were a lot of people.

I dont mean to judge but I knew a lot of them didnt want to be there.. they just wanted to get out of class.

We were asked to be seated on the right side of the gym, the left side is were they were going to do it.

I was number 84 yup.. it was open to all 3 grades. Luckily the audition were short so they would most likely get through 50% of us.

After waiting 1000 years it was finally my turn! Oddly I wasn't nervous.. actually I was very excited!

"hi im-" "That's fine no need to state your name.. just get on with it." The music teacher said.

"Uh yeah ok sorry... Why must I be so alone.. be so scared of what the princess will be. I'll set out and fight for her. Find her and claim the beauty as min-"

"T-thats all we have time for Eddie but uh the final auditions will be one Wednesday."

"Oh ok" I said as I walked out of the gym. Did- what the fuckkkkkk I didnt shit my actual pants!!!!!!!

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