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"The fuck out of my way!" Tegan yelled as he pushed Sam. Ugh here we go again with his bullshit. Ever since the 3rd grade he's been mean, no one really knows why. He got into a fight with some boy from the 5th grade and lost and ever since then he's just hunted for someone else to fight.

But no one cares to get in fights here , we just want to learn and the teachers have told us to just ignore him.

But it's hard when he shoves you in lockers and flips your lock and does stuff to make you mad. "I'm so done with him going after people, like get over it and go learn something, stupid" Sara said.

I shook my head in agreement, "One day if he messes with you or anyone by me I'll say it! I'll show him!" She said. "Equal rights equal fights Sara" I said elbowing her.

"Exactly Kenji but I don't want to fight but if I have to I will" she raised her hand in a fist and walked off.

I chucked at the thought of her little body hitting that giant. The bell rang and everyone ran like roaches when a light switch is on.

A reason no one wants to fight is sports and clubs. I play rugby and I'm in the steam club. Sara does something with plants or something I don't really know but it's cool.

I had to go to my lock before heading to class which I would now be late too. I hurried to my locker.

My text book wasn't in there "SHIT"! I started throwing papers out, "looking for this?"Tegan said standing behind me.

I rolled my eyes "yes now give it". I said turning around. "Why don't you come and get it smart boy?" He said. "I'm not going to chase after you for a book now give it I'm already late" I said reaching out for the book.

He put it behind his back. I was pissed and wanted to sock him in his stupid face but just walked off. "Hey what about the book? Don't you really need this?" He asked.

"No not really it just helps" I said almost running to class. I felt something hit my back, I fell as I wasn't ready for the impact.

That prick threw my big ass book. I coughed and got up. "What the fuck was that for I said I don't need it you idiot" I said staring at him.

He stared back, "oh well now you have it" he tuned his back and walked off.

"Bad idea" I thought. I ran up to him and turned him to face me. "You listen here and listen good, if you ever touch me or someone else I will beat you bloody. No one cares or remembers when you got this shit beat out of you by a person 2 years older than you. Now get over it." I said shoving him to the floor.

"Fuck you" he whispered.

Next day-

Sara invited me to hang out and eat brunch. She invited some girls I haven't even heard of from her plants class.

I saw a group of girls sitting at a table laughing. "Hey is Sara here?" I asked.

They all blushed and giggled "omg it's him.."  one girl whispered. I was confused

"Rana thinks your cute!" Some blonde girl said "Omg Emma shut up"! They all stated laughing.

Finally I saw Sara walk out of the restroom. I gave her a look and she smiled. Ugh..!

"Here take a seat they don't bite"! A girl scooted over for me to sit. "I just got us all charry colas is that cool?" Sara asked. We all shook our heads.

Our waiter came out with our drinks then ran away. "Wasn't that our drinks"? Emma asked.

"Those shoes look familiar Kenji" Sara said. Ah yes it was the one and only, Tegan.

We could see him arguing with other employees. He finally stomped his way over.

"Here's y'all's drinks.. oh shit!" Tegan bumped my foot and spilled half the drinks on my lap.

"Fuck" I mouthed. Everyone just stared except for Sara, she got up and handed me some napkins.

"Im sorry for that s-sir let me go get you something to get cleaned up?" Tegan said grinding his teeth.

The girls chuckled. "I'll get you some napkins so you can get cleaned up."

Later that day-
     *Tegan pov*

I asked to leave early after that stupid prick and his hot friends left. "Dad I'm home! AJ where are yuh?" I yelled from the door.

AJ came flying down the stairs, "you going to the cages tonight? Flint is finna fight Nick so I'ma swing by before going to Gena's" Aj said throwing on my jacket.

I nodded "hey dick head be careful with that it's expensive" I said stomping upstairs.

I went to the kitchen and found a note from dad "went out Charlie got a warrant out so I'm taking him to Jim's if police come, you don't know me."

I ripped the paper up and went to my room. I couldn't stop thinking of that guy. Stupid fuck who does he think he is! Threatening me?! I'll show him one day if he does that shit agian I'll crush his cute little face in with my fist.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled as I shot up from my bed. "CUTE LITTLE FACE THE FUCK"

I ain't no fag! No no that was wrong I didn't mean to think that.

I walked down stairs and grabbed a drink. I'm not the typical "bully" I have a nice home life, no one died, I'm just a dick.

But my dad, my mom was a whore and slept around and he found out. She was very abusive after him finding out.

She wanted to take me for more money but my dad refused. My dad went down hill and drank he wasn't a mean drunk he was sad.

He started to get involved in the wrong people and my older brother too. But that life scares me but I'll grow some balls and mess around.

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