Chapter 1

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My p.o.v

Bold - for jutsu
"Naruto" - Naruto's speaking
'Naruto' - Naruto's Thinking

        Carnage was all he could think of when he look around him. No more living things around. No sign of human nor animals around. Only him standing alone on the carcass of what he once called friends. Bodies of friends and foe lying around on the dirt with no hint of knowing who they were. Limb, blood, organ and feas lying on the ground.

" Naruto... hey kit you okay ? ", asked the infamous Kyubi no Kitsune or known as  Kurama.

" I failed them Kura, I couldn't save them. Everything thing's gone. Everyone is gone. Nobody to protect or talk to. Even the village was destroyed ", He cried out.

" At least you won the war against Madara and Kaguya, kit ", said Kurama trying to make him feel better. Feeling sad for his precious kit. At the same time trying to heal a large gash on his kit body and few minor injuries. Well if you could say a few fracture ribs and a broken arm as small injuries then that's it.

" But it's all useless. I failed. I failed to protect them. They were all gone because of me. They were trying to protect me but I couldn't save them. There's nothing I can do ", he said falling to the ground feeling devastated over himself.

" Kit there is something I could help with this but we'll be starting from the beginning.  We could travel to the past from where everything started going down ", Kurama said." I'll do it if you agree to travel back with me "

    Feeling hopeful Naruto accepted the idea.

' I can save them. I can save everyone. I promise I'll save you guys ', He thought with a smile on his face.

" I'll do it Kura no matter how many times I have to I'll do it ", Said Naruto.

" Now I want you to give me as many chakra as you can. This jutsu need a lot of chakra to activated. It was actually a forbidden jutsu or seal that the old man Sage have thought us bijuu. My chakra alone won't be enough since l use most of them on the battle and stopping you from blood loss ", ask Kurama.

"Sure ", Naruto feeling bad for him just smile sheepishly for not noticing his wounds and injuries and causing Kurama to use his chakra to heal him but since they will need to use a lot of chakra he couldn't heal him fully.

" Alright.", collecting as many chakra as they could in their body Kurama start shouting the jutsu while pushing the chakra into the seal that he put on the ground. " Himitsu no geijutsu, taimu toraberu "

    Suddenly a bright light shower upon him,  well both of them and then they were gone.

Tale of the Young Prophecy ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now