Chapter 2

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MY p.o.v

"Ng...aahhh" a groan could be heard from the young blonde. Finally after the war has ended that he realize how long have he abandoned the fatigue that his body carried. The war end up after three months struggling against the Juubi, 2 monster level shinobi. Not to mention that the injuries that have been half heal reopened didn't help either.

" Hey guys, the kid has wake up ", said a guy wearing Bird Anbu mask follow by the two others wearing a Boar mask and a Wolf mask.

On instinct Naruto instantly look around him discreetly trying to take a graph of his surrounding. Unnoticed by the three accept the one who's wearing the Cheetah mask. Definitely he's the captain of the group.

Seeing the anbu group he got a little startled thinking he is in the enemy's territory but calm down after realizing the anbu sign on the left shoulder of one of them that only applied for Konoha Anbu.Thought non of them realize the panic on the boy, well again accept Cheetah.

" Hey, kid you okay ? ",Bird asked." Hey, you shouldn't be moving around. Your injuries hasn't healed yet "He grabs the boy's shoulder trying to make him lay down again. Well of course he worried no kidding man the kid has quite a nasty wounds on him and he looked like he's 13 to 14 years old coming out fresh from the academy ( He's 16 by the way, sadly even after years of training and catching up to make up for his childhood days didn't do the wonder making him the shortest one among his peers . 'Wonder how he got it. Almost looked like the kid has been in a terrible war.' If only he knew how right he is.

Naruto groan from how much hurt he felt from his body. ' Damn, it's hurt. Did the jutsu actually work. Well of course it's work there's alive people here. Hey Kurama , Where do you think we're ?' he said/asked 'I don't know kit, from what I know everything started going down after Uzushio has fallen but I don't know if we have had use enough chakra to reach on that time. We'll see what will happen after this. ' said Kurama

" Hey kid do you remember what happened to you before you unconscious and where are you from? " asked the anbu captain.

" I remember retrieving some scroll and finishing my mission but than collapse after killing my enemies while thinking that maybe I could reach Konoha.", he answered. Good thing I'm wearing my hunter nin get up. Now talking about hunter nin where the hell did my mask go (Did I tell you that he's not wearing his favorite jumpsuit? Well now you know)

"'re from Konoha ?, I don't think I've see you before " Boar said

Looking around me finally I spotted my mask " Ahh... my mask it's broken. Why...of all other things that could be broken why it always have to be my mask ", jumping to my broken mask not caring about my injuries since I've been through something much worse before. Ignoring the question the anbu ask.

"You're a hunter nin ? but you're just a kid", Cheetah asked what everyone thought.

" So what if I just a kid, you Anbus also have some prodigy kids in your quarters", he sneered at them, mad when the Anbu always look down on the Hunters just because hunters were quite ruthless when it comes to their jobs. They thought we're just a bunch of happy blood lusted killing machine while they're the good, respected and modest killers. Huh that's all bullshit. They were just the same blood lusted killers as us.

They're all speechless when they saw the boy snapped at them.

And just to add salt to the injuries an idiot decided to spout out to him
"You hunters are just a happy go lucky killing machine. Killing people mercilessly like they were just a bunch of useless animals or tools. ",

"You know nothing about us, so just shut the fuck up bitch", Naruto growl to the Bird's mask anbu. Jumping up to the trees he left those anbu gapping at him moving around like he never got hurt at all. This is why he hates the anbu, all they know we're just a bunch of useless happy killing machine who doesn't give a fuck about what their prays feel. Even though more of his friends were in the anbu back in the future. No ones really know him so well that they think us the hunters were just a bunch of track and killing ninja that didn't do any good for the village. Thankfully his friends still respect him even though they were on the different groups.

Tale of the Young Prophecy ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now