Chapter 24

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Hey, it's been a few years... heh, my bad. But for those who have been reading for a while, I'm sorry for the long wait. I lost all inspiration for this story and I don't think that you guys deserve a half baked story. So I don't know if this story will continue.

Chapter 24

Beck you're getting sloppy and if the revolution is going to happen we need you to be at your best. Paige sighed as she opened her bedroom door. Looking in it didn't look like much but to Paige, it was a place she could call home and hers which meant a lot to her. Paige sat on her bed and promptly collapsed. Her body worn from the beating that she served to Beck. The young program was still too cocky. Clever, but cocky.

Closing her eyes she let her mind wander to her favorite spot in Argon. Where she had assured the renegade that fighting for Clu was a good thing and that she would never join the revolution. But here I am and fighting with a bunch of untrained programs. Funny how much of an impact a single program can make. Paige smiled to herself. A sense of hope had begun to arise in her. That sense was minuscule but it was hope nonetheless.

Paige rolled over onto her stomach and murmured "Well, at least they're fast learners and are willing to lose their lives for this cause." Sighing again, she allowed her body to relax against the sheets. It had been a while since she had allowed herself to take in such a simple comfort. Comfort doesn't win wars. As Paige finished the thought there was a soft knock on her door. Grunting as she got up, Paige made her way to the door stretching as she did so.

"Who is it?" Paige asked as she slid her room door open. She was met with bright blue hair and electric blue eyes. "Mara? What brings you to my door?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Paige shot her a questioning look but moved aside to let in the blue-haired program. Mara offered a small nod as a thank you. Shutting the door behind them Paige took a seat on her bed while Mara took the desk chair.

Mara was inspecting the floor like it was the most interesting thing on the grid. She rubbed her arms once before looking at Paige with a question on her tongue. "I don't know if this is something you're willing to answer for me but," Mara paused seemingly to try and gather the correct words. "I was wondering how you manage to function even when you know that Beck is going to be in danger and you could lose him forever? I mean it's obvious you two like each other and have a special kind of trust but how do you know it'll be okay?" Mara took a deep breath waiting to be yelled at or something but Paige just sat stunned. It was never really a thing she had thought about before.

"Mara, you are asking me to answer a question I don't have an answer to. It's like asking what program came up for the name of time pacing cycles. It's not easily put into words, I've known that Beck can handle himself in this war that rages outside. I've fought him so much these past few cycles that I can't seem to not trust that he'll be okay. Why? What brought this up all of a sudden?" Paige's cheeks were dusted a little pink but continued like a soldier was supposed to.

Mara shifted uncomfortably in the desk chair and spoke softly, "I have someone that I care about and I don't want him to end up getting derezzed. I can't imagine my life without him. And-"

"And I think the word you are looking for is terrified. Of losing Zed in the war but Mara from a soldier standpoint programs die in battle. There is no true victory in war only suffering. Both sides lose when a body from both sides fall. No program is safe. But from a doctor's point of view, it's not something you want to see a loved one do. Go off to battle I mean. War tends to pull the worse out of everyone. And it's never easy to see. If there was another way to settle this I'm Beck and Tron would have found a way. No program deserves to be put to death other than those who wish death on others." Paige paused. Nothing of what she said seemed helpful but was reassured when a pair of arms wrapped around her torso. Wet droplets soaking through her shirt.

"Thank you, Paige." Mara sniffled a little as she dried her eyes. "Any time. Don't be afraid to come and talk again." Paige smiled softly as the spunky program made her way out the door. When Paige was alone again she got off of her bed and sat at her desk. Unclasping her disk from her back she opened her files into her memories. She looked over all of her fights with Beck trying to figure out how she had missed that he was the renegade the whole time.

Beck had watched Paige retreat into her room after wiping the floor with him, his code and his dignity; Beck was upset with himself. He had allowed himself to get distracted and fail at the hands of Paige, whom he had fought countless times. He needed to clear his head and fighting the simulator was apparently not a way for him to that currently.

The renegade looked out the observation window and decided to take a lap around the hideout, hoping the cold, snowy weather would cool him down from his aggravation. Taking up a lightcycle baton, he headed out.

The snow crunched beneath his feet as the winds picked up and blew a chill down Beck's spine. Taking a running start the renegade jumped up and split the baton in two, allowing the lightcycle to construct itself.

Snow blew into Beck's sight as he drove but this was nothing new, Tron made sure to train him to be prepared to drive under any conditions the snow usually being the hardest to navigate. But with a need to clear his mind and focus, the young program pushed on. Refusing to give in to the cold, made an effort by riding for a while with his light wall and drawing different patterns in the snow to possibly use as a weapon against Clu's army. Though he doubted that they would be useful.

After that, Beck drove by the gorge checking to see if there had been any traces of patrols passing by or if they had expanded their sweeps to the gorge yet. Beck doubted that they would sweep so close but they had to be careful. The revolution flame was still not strong enough to face the fierce winds of Clu. But they were running out of time and the longer the revolution waited the stronger Clu's army became. Not to mention all of the innocent bystanders that would get caught in the crossfire. Beck shook his head. Training took time. Time, that they didn't have. Circling back Beck headed to the hideout to figure out if it was possible to speed up the mechanics training at all.

Been a while but I tried. Feels good to write this story again not gonna lie. But as I said I might not continue or it might be a while till the next update and I want to thank all of those who have bothered me for years to write this chapter. Thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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