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the first time lisa kisses jennie, it throws jennie off her equilibrium just a little.

lisa has just turned of age, and she had tugged on jennie's hand restlessly, whining. "can we please go out? pleeeaaassee?"

and so jennie was dragged out. she's wearing a yankees crystal─ embellished leather biker jacket, lisa throwing at her as she called out,
"trust me, you look good in it." jennie had scowled, grumbling as she slipped it over her shoulders.

"so," lisa had announced with a flourish as she arrives at the bar.
"are you buying me my first drink?"

jennie scoffs, leaning on her elbows against the bar. she raises a brow. "i'm not buying you drink, they're fucking expensive," she shakes hair from her eyes, raising her lips in a smirk at a boy who's eyeing her.

lisa whines, tugging at jennie's sleeve.
"but unnie, how am i supposed to get drunk?" she grins widely, her eyes sparkling. "isn't that what i'm supposed to do?"

jennie is too busy eye fucking the boy beside her, so all she does is shrug lisa's hand off. she clicks her tongue, finally turing to glare at lisa when the younger girl keeps tugging at her sleeves.  "shit lalisa, just fucking flirt and someone will buy you a drink. you're cute enough."

lisa's grin is lopside, her cheeks pink.
"you think i'm cute?"

jennie laughs lightly, reaching out to pinch lisa's cheek. she doesn't catch lisa's lovibg gaze that's being directed her way, so all jennie does is say, "of course, you're adorable." she pushes herself off the bar when she notices someone walking to her way, her lips raised into an easy grin.

"hey," she says when the person finally arrives. she twirls her fingers in a wave. "i'm jennie,"

the boys grins, finally noticing lisa glaring at him. he casts a glance toward to the younger girl before looking up at jennie. "is this your date?"

lisa is opening her mouth, but jennie beats her to it. "no, this my kid sister. she just turned of age," she raises a brow. "so, you buying us a drink?"

the other person grins, leaning beside jennie. lis frowns, not enjoying the free drink that is too busy flirting.

and so, lisa gets drunk.

"unnie," lisa whines as she tugs at jennie's sleeve. jennie is busy leaning towards a different boy from earlier, her lips pressed to his ear. so when she looks down at lisa, her lips are fromed into a scowl, lisa is panting, her shirt soaked.


"dance with me," she smiles, hiccuping lightly.

the boy that jennie was previously with gives them both a quick look over before walking off, causing jennie to huff. she looks down at the younget girl, with red lips stained of alcohol and dazzling eyes. jennie swipes at her lips with her tongue. "fine," she pushes lisa softly towards the dance floor. she puts her lips at lisa's ear, her breath tickling the younger girl and causing her to shiver. "but just this one time."

lisa is on cloud nine as she tugs jennie in the dance floor, and she's so happy that she almost forgets that jennie didn't dance that much, but that's okay, lisa decides, all she has to do is to stand there.

lisa isn't holding back at all as she twirls jennie around, the older girl laughing as lisa giggles with glee. her breath catches little in her throat when lisa presses her body against the older girl. her hips press into jennie's roughly, causing lisa to stumble as she knocks a little too hard against her. jennie reaches out to clasp at lisa's hips, steadying her.

"maybe we should stop," jennie says as lisa starts to move her hips.

"no," lisa's breathing is labored. she let out a small hiccup, bringing her hands up to wrap around jennie's neck. "i want to dance with you,"

jennie pursus her lips, frowning as lisa continues moving her hips. she very slowly grates her hips into jennie, causing her to hiss. "be careful, lisa-yah. you don't know what you're doing."

lisa spreads her fingers wide against the back of jennie's neck. her fingers are cold and wet from the
perspiration of the drink she just have previously. the back of jennie's neck is warm, and lisa tangles her fingers into the older's hair slightly. her mouth drop open, her chest heaving.

"then show me."

jennie reaches up to yank lisa's hands away from her. there's a deep set frown on her lips, her brows furrowed. "that's enough."

but lisa is desperate, clawing at jennie. this might be her only chance, she thinks, and she blames it on the alcohol. lisa tugs at the lapels of jennie's jacket, bringing her up so she can press her lips against the older.

and jennie's world shifts, just a little.

lisa is not exactly an experienced kisser, as exemplified by the fact that she's grabbing at jennie awkwardly, with a touch that feels new. her lips are slanted awkwardly over jennie's, but jennie quickly fixes that when she reaches up to cuo lisa's chin, tilting her head so their lips could meet better. lisa hums scraping her nails on jennie's scalp, tugging at her hair.
jennie groans, nibbling at lisa's lips as she starts to grind her hips into the younger girl. lisa whines, her breath hitching and jennie is trailing kisses down to lisa's neck, the silver haired tilting her head back to give jennie better access.

jennie is too busy marking lisa with her lips, and it's only when someone shobes them, shouting. "get a room!" that jennie snaps back into reality.

she detaches herself from lisa, watching the younger girl blink slowly, her lips pink. she clears her throat, not removing her hands from lisa's hips. she shakes her head lightly, shifting her world back into it's rightful place.

"i can't do this lisa."

lisa blinks, her eyes a little hazy, and wet. "why not?"

jennie presses her thumb tight against lisa's hip, her lips slowly forming a scowl.

"i don't do relationships, lisa. you know that."

lisa's chest starts heaving, tears gathering at the cornes her eyes. "why? why jennie?" her lips drop open and she pushed herself deeper against jennie. "you love me, i─ i know you do." she looks at jennie, her eyes pleading. "right? you love me?"

and jennie feels her heart breaks as lisa starts to cry, grabbing desperately at jennie's jacket, hiccuping out, "you love me, i know you do." her fingers are trembling and jennie doesn't move them from the center of the dance floor, just wraps lisa in a protective hug as people dance around them. lisa gasps out,
"you─ you love me... i, dammit, i love you."

jennie leans up, blinking harshly as she presses a soft kiss to lisa's cheek. her voice is soft, barely a whisper. "i know."

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