1 (tyrus only)

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I lay my head in my hand as I stare off into the distance, conveniently, the distance is actually Cyrus' face. Even better. I hope he doesnt notice me staring at him-- oh and now he's walking over to me. Great.

I shake myself back into reality right as Cyrus approaches my lunch table, "hey, uh whatcha staring at over here, ya weirdo?"

"Nothing really." I say, avoiding his eye, avoiding the sight of his cute little smirk that I know he's doing. "Oh really? 'Cause it looked alot like you were staring at me." He takes the seat in front of me and I finally look up at him.

"As a matter of fact, I was just staring off into space, you just happened to get in my way."

"Is that so?" I nod my head, he chuckles a bit. "Whatever you say, Teej. "

"Oh hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? Maybe at the park for a bit then we can grab some food from the spoon?" I tilt my head and smile at him.

His smile falters a bit; "sorry Tj but I have dance this afternoon, kinda important... maybe we can take a rain-check?"

"Rain-check?" I question looking back into his beautiful, dark eyes.

"It just means that we'll do it another time? Is that okay with you?"

"Oh yeah, that's fine. Ya know, amber is going to be at dance, too, today."

"Oh really? Maybe I'll see her there?"

"Yeah.. maybe."

The bell rang loud into the cafeteria signaling the end of lunch. I sigh as cyrus stands up, his gaze falling over me. "Gotta blast, see ya later?"

"Yeah." And then he left.

Le temps passé~ (Time skip)

I lay on my bed, staring up at the speckled ceiling of my bedroom, all  kinds of thoughts just running around my head (idfk).

Suddenly I sit up and race over to Amber's room, a smile stretched over my lips as I saw she was getting ready for dance.

"Hey, I know you're going to dance and all but... mind if I tag along? It really would be interesting to see some of the stuff you guys do and also-"

"You just wanna see Cyrus. Tj, I understand that you wanna spend time with him but I dont know if I would be allowed to take you to one of my classes." She says, looking at me with a serious expression.

My smile faded, "oh, well I'm sorry to bug you then.." I walk myself to the door and look back at her, "have fun and tell him I say hi."

Amber put on a small smile, "ugh, fine you can come but I'm blaming you if we get in trouble, mr. I'm-the-best-guilt-tripper."

"Thanks amber!" I squeeze her into a hug. "Okay, okay, now go get ready before I change my mind."

"Yes ma'am," I skipped happily along to my room and put on what I thought would be appropriate for her dance class.

Plus tard, en cours de danse (Later, in dance class)


A partner dance? Why did it have to be a partner dance?

I know practically no one in my dance class and now I have to dance with one of them in an "emotional dance piece" with them.


I was distracted from my thoughts by the loud noise if the dance room door opening and in walked in Amber and...

What was he doing here? I cant let him see me dance like this, he'll laugh at me like everyone else.. I took a deep breath and thought about who could be my partner, my focusing in Tj almost made me forget about Amber who was actually in dance.

Amber walked to the floor and sat with all of us, Tj took a seat to the side to watch us.

I stand up and walk over to Amber, a smile stretching over my lips; "heyy, Amber."

"Oh, hey Cyrus." She said, giving me a little wave.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be my partner for the emotional piece, I don't think you know but I don't know anyone else here." I shrug.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry Cyrus but I already have a partner, try going and asking someone you don't know and try to make better friends with them?"

But all I saw was people standing in two's.

"Alright class, it seems as though there is an odd number of us and one of us still doesn't have a partner. Does anyone want to do the dance in a group of three?" The teacher asked student started shaking their heads and responding with 'no'.

I sighed and looked over at Amber who was now seeming to be talking to her partner before both saying no. She mouthed a quick 'sorry' to me and I looked at the ground.

"Alright then, Cyrus, you and I will be partners together." The teacher said, putting a hand in my shoulder and I smiled at her but she was too distracted by Tj to see it.

She took her hand off my shoulder and walked over to him, they had a quick conversation and soon Tj stood up, they both walked over to me.

"Cyrus, this is your new partner Tj, Tj this is Cyrus."

"Hey underdog."

"Hey Teej."

"It seems you two have already met, I'll leave you guys to it."

I guess it's not so bad now, at least the person I have to dance with is decent.

"You're the best person I really know in this class." I say, giving him a genuine smile.

His facial expression changed and reminded me of a happy puppy. "You mean it?" I nod happily at him, his smile gets wider.

"Alright. Meet me here tomorrow when the studio is empty so we can choreograph and start to practice the dance."

"Okay, yeah sure, we can do all of what you just said."

"You dont know what my of that means, do you?"


Heller heller, I think I've gone as far as I can with my muffy book,, so it's time for something new! A Tyrus book should be just fine, hope you like it.

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