2 (tyrus only)

83 6 2

-thelonious jagger-
(I had to)

The school day seemed to drag along longer than usual, it didnt matter though, I still made it out of there.

I arrived at the studio earlier than I thought, Cyrus wasnt up here yet so maybe I should start warming up?

I walk into the studio and throw my bag against the wall and make my way to the floor.

I started off with some stretches that Amber had taught me a while back, they weren't that hard actually. I soon completed all of them and decided to put on some soft music.

Surprisingly, my favorite song began to play, I slowly started to dance along to the music.

The dance was practically muscle memory by now, as easy as walking for me. I had preformed it multiple times.

And by "preformed" I mean danced it alone in my bedroom or whenever I was alone and had some time to mess around.

The song was graceful and slow, the moves I put to it were even more so.

As I was moving my feet and dancing along to the familiar music, I saw a blur of color from the corner of my eye. I stopped mid-spin and saw Cyrus staring straight at me, eyes wider than usual and mouth slightly ajar.

I felt my cheeks heat up, I stepped back and my smile faltered a bit.

"Cy, are you all right?"

"I uh- yeah. I'm fine." He said, shaking his head before placing his bag beside mine.

He walked over to me and smiled, "you ready?"

"Uh yes? Maybe? What exactly are we doing?" I look around and back at him.

"Our dance," 8 nod, still confused. "Just follow my lead for now. You'll get the hang of it."

My smile widened a he took my hand in his. His other hand lying on my shoulder, I placed mine comfortably onto his waist and he began to lead the dance.

I tried hard to fight the blush spreading across my cheeks as we began to move around to the music. We tried out some of the moves that were planned and I tried to get a basic idea of the dance inside my head.

But I couldn't focus on the dance. I just focused on him, we were so close right now.

We were right in front of one another.

So close.

I focused on his deep chocolatey eyes as he moved us around.

He soon broke us apart but we still stood close. Wow he's amazing.

"I- uh." I tried to make a conversation but not really any words would come out. We broke apart fully now, Cyrus walking awkwardly across the room to get his water. I stood there like a fool.

"I think we're done for today." Cyrus said before glugging down some more water, I walked over and turned off the music.

I was disappointed but I agreed and walked over to go get my bag.

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