6 (tyrus, muffy, ambi, wonah)

65 3 2

-joey b-

I wonder around the hallway during free period, searching for Walker through the long halls. Suddenly, I hear the voice of just the boy I was looking for.

"What on earth or you looking for, I've seen you wondering around the hall forever?!"

I smile widely at the sight of him, "you're what I'm looking for." He smiles, "what do you mean? "

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today at the spoon, just the two of us?" He nodded eagerly.

"Yeah! That sounds great, see you after school?" I nodded happily and began walking again, he came with.

"Sooo, why just the two of us?"

"Oh uh, no reason, just that all the others are busy this afternoon and I didnt want you to think they'd be coming with."

"Oh," he sounded a bit... different, when he said that. I shrugged it off and we continued walking and talking together.

Plus tard, avec Tj et Cyrus (Later, with Tj and Cyrus)


I watched as Cyrus swung slowly on the swing, a smile stretched over his cheeks as he began to go a bit higher. I snuck around him unnoticed. Walking up behind him, I push his on the swing. Hard. He yelped as he swung higher, I continued to push him.

"I can swing on my own, ya know."

I shrug, "I know, just thought I could help out anyways." He chuckles softly and I finally decide to stop pushing him and walk over to my designated swing, sitting down on it.

"Aww." He whines as I begin swinging on my own. "What is it now?" I ask, looking over his way with a smile.

He pouted, "why'd you stop pushing me?" I chuckle softly.

"I thought you could swing on your own?" I say, shrugging at him.

He drug his feet and slowed the swing, "oh look at that, it seems like I can't. " he shrugged and laughed as I stood up and got behind him. I started pushing his swing again as he continued laughing.

"Thank you."

I chuckle, "hey throwback but, Underdog?" He squealed but sounded happy, I took it as a yes. I pushed him extra hard and ran under him, normal Underdog.

"Almost like the first time," he beamed. I stared at his smile, he was so happy.

"Yeah, but this time, it's just you and me."

"It was that way the first time?"

"Yeah, but this time, no interruption or problems, just you and me, hanging out like boyfriends." He stopped his swing and looked at me.

"You're so cute." He said, eyes opening wider moments after as if he didnt mean to say it. "I didn't mean to say that.." Confirmed.

I giggle. "Whatever you say, Muffin." I lean and kiss him on the lips, he blushes and I laugh louder. He leaned in and kissed me too, it lasted longer this time.

We both pulled away, smiling.

Un peu plus tard avec tes filles préférées. (A little later with your favorite girls.)


"Hey Andi!" I say as I hear her pick up the phone, I can tell that she's smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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